;============================================================================================================================= Goku Black in The_Lancer's style version 1.0, portrait was made by Divine. After an year or two, Goku Black is finally completed! To be really honest, this edit could've take a month (I think) to be completed when I first started this edit, but the truth is I haven't really felt like working on it like everyday, I've only worked on it sometimes a little, that's why it took this long to complete this edit. I've been more focused on my life recently, I've just finished school a week ago and now I'm finding something to do in my future, so I might not be here on the Mugen Community alot. So far I haven't seen any bugs on this character, and if there is one I'll make an update of this edit (don't expect it to be so soon though), remember that this is the version 1.0 so I can pretty much add anything new if I want. I said before that I have Giorno and C-KFM in work in progress but I'm not sure if I will work on those two characters right now, so for now they'll be in stand by. It's like I said before, I'm more focused on my life now so I'm not gonna be working on characters alot like before. And that's all, enjoy the character! Questions & Answers: Q: How can I change his AI Level? A: There's an OPTION.txt when you open the Goku Black folder, open it and you'll see his AI Level with his other options. Q: What stuff will you add to this character in the future updates? A: I'm still not sure yet, but I'll think about it whenever I feel like wanting to work on it. Q: Can I edit this character? A: This character is uneditable, and I'm not saying "uneditable" as you can't edit it because even if I tell people not to edit this character some people will just ignore what I say and do it anyway, I'm saying "uneditable" as this character is impossible to edit. But hey, if you still manage to edit this character then cool, congratulations, It's not like I'm surprised anymore since some people like to disrespect the creators by doing whatever they want with their characters without their permission. Q: Can I post this character anywhere else? A: Honestly there's really no point of that since you can get this character on my channel (The_Lancer), but I already know that this character is gonna end up on Mugen Archive anyway so I really don't care anymore. ;=============================================================================================================================