=========================================================================== Ender Dragon(Mine Craft) =========================================================================== Author: Dark Ruler(YouTube ID: LightSkyRuler2023, NicoNico Douga ID: DarkRuler2012)) Version: 2.0 ====== Update ====== Dec 5 - Added 5 ender crystals to the field. If there is even one ender crystal left, the ender dragon's health is automatically recovered. - Added AI. - She can now use emitter-style breath. - She is now able to fire fireballs from her mouth. - Slightly increased the damage of some of her attacks. =========== Explanation =========== The Ender Dragon is the first official boss mob to appear in Minecraft (with the second being the Wither). She only naturally spawns in The End. This mob uses the dragon model Notch created, but utilizes a texture more reminiscent of an Enderman, being black and scaly with purple eyes. She is widely acknowledged as the main antagonist of the game. =========== MoveList =========== a = Dash Attack b = Air Dash Attack c,x = ender breath y,z = fireball ============== Source-related ============== This character is open source. === Etc === ======= Credits ======= Sprite - From InterNet Search, https://custom-doodle.com/collection/minecraft/page/3/ Sound - From MinCraft Notch - Made MineCraft You - DownLoad This Character