Android 21 (Evil) by CobraG6 has gain a massive buff. No changing stats, or damage was needed. Minor Hitbox fixes, but not for attacks For starters, there was quite some bugs in terms of attack looping. They may still be a few but I tried to make it a minor issue. But if it happens, it's mainly in the crouching moves. Sometimes even during attacks. Massive AI Buff. And remove teleport counter/ instant tranmission restriction. Can now do it for unlimted anount of times. Vanish has been alter by a slight bit, Instead of an attack at the end, a normal teleport. Or instant transmission. Either or. Crazy counter ability's, and awesome combos. As well as doing more air combos. Also added in her Evil Form. With a small change to her B moveset, as well as giving her even more combos in that form. Transform by "holddown" "y" Her grab skill also gain a buff. Now takes away power and adds it to herself. The special gets more powerful when she is in her Evil Form In her Palette 7, her damage and defense gets stronger. Also can regain health slowy, more poweradd. Defense in her base and Evil transformation. Counters even more. Very Powerful Her Palette 12 is in Beta, but I will released it as it for those that want to buff her even more. More damage, crazier combos. Even more healing, More Defense Also one more thing. Screw Power Levels. This edit is all for making her competitive and fun to watch.