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3 Screenshots

About This File

Part 6 Jotaro by Kishibe Light [The MUGEN Artist]

Original project by Lucafio 


Not all of the sprites are my best. It can be rough also.

There are unused sprites of Jotaro and Star Platinum, which I ripped it from the arcade game.

Jotaro has a child transformation when being affected by Alessi's moves.

It includes a 1.0 version.

Key Commands:

x: Low Attack
y: Medium Attack
z: Strong Attack
a: Stand On and Stand Off (Press it again when you're on Stand Mode to turn it off)
b: Dash Escape
😄 Transform into Invisible (only in stand off mode) + Stylish Cancel (any button + c)
s: Taunt

Special Moves

;-| ’´•KŽE‹Z |--------------------------------------------------------

name = "sp3"
command = F, D, F, a
time = 40

name = "sp20"
command = ~D, DB, B, x+y

name = "sp20"
command = ~D, DB, B, y+z

name = "sp20"
command = ~D, DB, B, x+z

name = "sp20"
command = ~D, DB, B, b

name = "sp10"
command = ~D, DF, F, x+y

name = "sp10"
command = ~D, DF, F, y+z

name = "sp10"
command = ~D, DF, F, x+z

name = "sp10"
command = ~D, DF, F, b

name = "ASB Super Move"
command = ~B, D, DB, x+y

name = "ASB Super Move"
command = ~B, D, DB, y+z

name = "ASB Super Move"
command = ~B, D, DB, x+z

name = "ASB Super Move"
command = ~B, D, DB, b

;-| •KŽE‹Z |------------------------------------------------------

name = "time2"
command = ~B, D, DB, ~x

name = "time2"
command = ~B, D, DB, ~y

name = "time2"
command = ~B, D, DB, ~z

name = "time2"
command = ~B, D, DB, x

name = "time2"
command = ~B, D, DB, y

name = "time2"
command = ~B, D, DB, z

name = "sp5"
command = ~D, DB, B, a

name = "sp4"
command = ~D, DF, F, a

name = "sp2"
command = ~F, D, DF, x

name = "sp2"
command = ~F, D, DF, y

name = "sp2"
command = ~F, D, DF, z

name = "sp11"
command = ~D, DF, F, x

name = "sp12"
command = ~D, DF, F, y

name = "sp13"
command = ~D, DF, F, z

name = "sp31"
command = ~D, DB, B, x

name = "sp32"
command = ~D, DB, B, y

name = "sp33"
command = ~D, DB, B, z

name = "my stand will judge you"
command = ~F, D, B, x

name = "my stand will judge you"
command = ~F, D, B, y

name = "my stand will judge you"
command = ~F, D, B, z


y.y for making Jotaro.

Naza15 for the color separation sprites.

Lucafio for starting the original project.

amarimono for the Jolyne and Part 6 Jotaro sprite.

Zirothos, Tougon, and Quasi-Decective (from Sound Resources site) for All Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven voice clips.

A user who upload the diamond records voice clips (which I forgot the name of the user).

papparapa for kid Jotaro sprites.

Infinite (a user who made a CvS version of Jotaro) for the CvS custom palette and the new basic moves I changed for this character.

VishKujo (for finding the unused voices of Part 6 Jotaro)

Capcom for the unused sprites of Jotaro and Star Platinum.

Hirohiko Araki for creating JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

And you for getting the character. :)

Feel free to tell any bugs of this character also.

Edited by Kishibe Light

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members
It is almost perfect, the only problem is that when using both ASB sprites and normal Jotaro they do not have a design consistency but that does not matter to me


Response from the author:

Thanks for the review. About the sprites, sorry about that. 

  • Like 1


Awesome! I don't really know what to say, I can play as him and that's all I care about, and the moves are exactly like Jotaro's so yeah, AWESOME!

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