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Yurika 1.0.0

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About This File

Character by Li-Kun and Fervicante, edited by ShinZankuro.

Yurika is a girl from a mysterious and obscure clan called Kirishima, is a orphan and live with her ... Uh .... "Beloved" younger brother KUROW.

Unlike the majority of Justice Gakuen characters, Yurika has a very serious "Girly" temperament. Althought she is very timid, she can change from dark to light, when something are wrong with her beloved friends, especially the sister of the Gedo High supreme Boss Daigo, Akira Kazama, her best friend.

She is a Master level violinist. No, seriously, she is very MASTER level, at point of she can make spell/magic attacks with her instrument[That's why her new hyper combo "Jiyuu no Melody" she can summon a magic energy pillar]. 

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