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About This File

Boros was made by: "Shiruzato/MYTHOS, edit by Salah & NitroMan30, sprites by Vovan99"


Boros (ボロス, Borosu), also called Lord Boros (ボロス様, Borosu-sama) by his subordinates, was the leader of the Dark Matter Thieves, a group of alien invaders responsible for the destruction of A-City. Like Saitama, Boros faced a self-imposed existential crisis, having become so powerful that no battle thrilled him. His intergalactic travels in search of a worthy opponent led him to Earth, where he was killed by Saitama.

What's New in Version 1.0.0 & 1.1


So @NitroMugen30 decided to revamp this char because one, people wanted a new one after the new sprites arrive. And for the edits he has been doing. So, this character he is now releasing for everyone to use. Although his attacks may not hit that hard, his quick reflexes and counters are more than enough to go hand to hand with some of the toughest chars.

Base mode is as strong as SSJ3 Goku, and his Meteoric Burst form is as strong as the gods. Also to note, his health filly regains to max when transform to Meteoric Burst and can regen health using a move.

Hope you enjoy this character!



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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

A decent well made char with fantastic special moves it is my first time try this new char and he is not bad at all highly recommend to others great job !

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