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About This File

Not much to say but OP stated this:Β 

"char created by CHENGUANXI AKA kurabiye; char created using the beta of code crashed killer as initial base, uses the same method of palletes as original NAO THE PALE KILLER, but whit code voices and other stuff changed like movements, 1P low killer method whitout advertising he would instantaneously win the match in a random moments, if he gets on the floor after a seconds he stand up and win, 8P he gets fake death kill method and clsn1 deletion on enemy, any hit or punch that touch him tries to delete the clsn and clsn1 of the enemy and does an insta fake death on enemy, 12p uses ROOT TO CLIPBOARD and direct clsn deletion whit alive death method and fake death on enemy and at the same time freezes the timer, and makes the enemy stop moving,

DISCORD OF CHEN GUANXI chen8fengu add him whit the new method of add friends of discord"

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