About This File
- So, I had to come in on the mugen coruscation ride and make a roster for you guys with this screenpack but make it filled with cheapies. if you didn't know many people did use the mugen coruscation screenpack for their winmugen character showcases and such so I decided to just make one except make it available for you all.
Either way, I will say this before we proceed any further, and that is shout-out to @Ismael The Epic if this dude hadn't converted this screenpack that was 1.1 into 1.0 I would've never been able to deliver this amazing roster to you all. the edit is by Oldgamer but he made it 1.1 while Ismael made it 1.0! SO please, if you guys HAVE the time check out his content he is known for conversions and other amazing stuff. Enough of that, let's get on how you can get the mugen:
This mugen has both options on how you can get it, it's a new thing I decided to develop with each mugen now and that is, there will be an option to get the entire game via google drive and the backup options of getting the game will be via parts via mediafire. so, let me just put that all for you.
1. The full game link available when you click on the download button on the right.
so, 2. this means this is the part of the post where now I share you guys the backup option: part 1, part 2, and part 3
Note: for those watching the preview...Screamer warning at 11:43 srry forgot to add a headsup please do not sue me lol some of these donald edits had screamers apparently, that I didn't know about.
Edited by yoonbin16