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The Blight (Pathos Midboss) by Z-9 Lurker

This guy is the Midboss of Pathos from NES Godzilla Creepypasta Fan-Game (yes, fangame. The Blight is absent from the original story), he has two phases, can summon MATwalkers and can have the Blightworm and Blights Arm be ready for combat. He's 1.1 only because I think this was inspired by OMEGAPSYCHO's boss characters.

He comes with his own stage, I recommend picking his stage in order for him to work.

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Smoke Choked


Actually makes for a pretty sweet boss!  I think Kyoucchi Inzaba said it best: 


its very rare we get bosses like this for mugen coming from folks that OMEGAPSYCHO or Mabsks and the likes. Its a pretty tough fight but damn is it fun.


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