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Smoke Choked

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Status Replies posted by Smoke Choked

  1. why all the vore?


    1. Smoke Choked

      Smoke Choked

      Why not all the vore?

      I like vore

  2. nice change SMOKE THE HORSEHOG, but  but how did you manage to change the name? I want to do too.  I wanted to change it to a name like: gj mugen, headbanger, or guitarist skull.  which of these names do you prefer? and how did you change your name dude? but I don't want to change my avatar, I really liked it hehehe.

    1. Smoke Choked

      Smoke Choked

      1. If you want to change up your username, click on your name in the top right hand corner, and then click on "Account Settings" in the dropdown menu. Then go to "Display Name" on the left, and that's where you can change up your display name.

      2. I think, based on you being an actual electric guitar player with a skeleton for a profile pic, "guitarist skull" is the most fitting name for you.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)


    I'd regret to say this but I'll be leaving AK1 MUGEN because of the ongoing issues surrounding NSFW 18+ edits and It's nearly damaging my mental health because of the 18+ side which I nearly couldn't cope myself (Due to me having learning difficulties and family issues where I'm living with my parents most of the time over the past couple of weeks since July as well). But don't worry I'll focus on the non 18+ side of MUGEN where I'll create my own SFW Chars and other stuff that's MUGEN Related as well. But as of now I'll retire from the 18+ side of MUGEN (Not actually gonna fully retire from MUGEN Unless so) , and focus on the SFW MUGEN Stuff instead, it's so much better than the NSFW side. Thank you for listening.


    P.S. BTW I'll be more active on MUGEN Archive instead.

    1. Smoke Choked

      Smoke Choked

      While I regret to inform you that 18+ is so much more hated on the Archive, and that the Archive just isn't worth using at all...I do wish you the best on your future endeavors, and the better for your mental health. Farewell, old friend.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)


    my congratulations you are RICH in files, I value your work. Thanks dude!


    my congratulations you are RICH in files, I value your work. Thanks dude!

    1. Smoke Choked

      Smoke Choked

      Oh, why thank you! It's the result of having a lot to upload here, for various reasons!

      Although I don't upload remotely as often some other users, who upload constantly when they are online.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. Major MUGEN Project announcement coming soon!

  7. Major MUGEN Project announcement coming soon!

    1. Smoke Choked

      Smoke Choked

      I realize that, but how does he compare to a vore edit (let alone a bad one) of Nicole Watterson?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. Can you get Deleto Blue back for me please. Thanks!

  9. Can you get Deleto Blue back for me please. Thanks!

  10. So a few weeks ago I uploaded my underrated piece of palette artwork, Roar E. Saurus Agumon, one wanted to be a vadim cyka blyat and give me a negative reputation on it Maybe they hate Digimon or Nick Jr. The frick should I know? Not gonna say who tho. Anyways, I was playing so much Jump Ultimate Stars on Retroarch! I had so much fun! It felt like my sophomore years at school making the most OP manga decks of all! So I made Kenshiro's JUS palette today! 



    JUS Kenshiro.gif

  11. Nothing MUGEN Related! Today's a somewhat special day. I have reached up to 200 watchers on DeviantART! Thanks to all my watchers on DeviantART and my buds on MUGEN AK1, here's to more randomness!

    Screenshot (3040).png

  12. Where is Vorse Raidier in AK1 Mugen.

    1. Smoke Choked

      Smoke Choked

      He hasn't an AK1 account

  13. People of the AK1 Community, I present to you the most Bullshit thing the MUGEN Archive has EVER DONE!



    Screenshot (2441).png

    1. Smoke Choked

      Smoke Choked

      Nothing of worth can even be downloaded?  The fuck.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. To show you all fellas of the AK1 Community, here's what I'm workin' on for my MUGEN Roster. 




    1. Smoke Choked

      Smoke Choked

      So, you colored in the wall or floor tiles to represent the plans for the slots?

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. To show you all fellas of the AK1 Community, here's what I'm workin' on for my MUGEN Roster. 




  16. Congrats on becoming a mod

    1. Smoke Choked

      Smoke Choked

      Thank you very much!  I became a moderator by moderating the various uploads on the site, leading to many reports.

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