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Mortal Kombat Armageddon Remake MUGEN


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Mortal Kombat Armageddon Remake MUGEN

I decided to remake my old MK Armageddon Mugen since it was quite outdated and had many broken Characters and bugs in it (for the ones who don't know https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAEpw... )

This one is fully compatible with the upgraded season 2.9 by Borg117 of course there are some Characters who still aren't fully incorporated into 2.9 like Kai, Mavado, and Mokap but most of them run without a problem, it is open source so it's not Molebox protected like MK Begins so that means that you can add and take stuff out from it, it's still a W.I.P and there still are some things which are missing but I think so far it is OK and definitely better than my first attempt in 2017.




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