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Everything posted by RAMON GARCIA

  1. ok man this mugen game now you be here forever in this amazing site of andersonkenya, and when you could try buy a kit xeon 2620 v2 ddr3 or a kit xeon 2620 v3 ddr4 in aliexpress is very good
  2. if you want only the screenpack you could delete the chars and stages is simple ok.
  3. View File Retro Starz MUGEN (Beta 1.4) Retro Starz MUGEN (Beta 1.4) "A MASTERPIECE OF PROJECT" NOW ALL THE LINKS ARE WORKING 😉 ALTERNATIVE LINKS ARE IN DESCRIPTION OF VIDEO: Hi guys, just a short video, main purpose of this upload is to provide the overdue download of beta 1.4. I will be releasing one more beta version (1.5) and then it will be onto normal releases once i have filled the rest of the character slots and added portraits. After this is it is just the characters themselves i will be focusing on and will be the main changes made to each version afterwards. Things like buggy intros, projectiles disappearing, wall climbs in middle of screen, inserting my super move background animation and other bugs and fixes. I will also continue working on more stages to add more animations and breathe a bit of life into them like my Dance with the dead, Love Johnny Airship and Skinny dip fountain stages and of course add more new stages too. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: ------------ Below are instructions on how to use ReShade & the 4gb patcher if needed. But before that there are a couple bits of information regarding my Mugen you should have a quick read over. 1.) I HIGHLY recommend playing this on an SSD as it makes the screens load a lot faster but also the Mugen engine appears to be a lot more stable running off an SSD. 2.) To stop the female announcer from speaking voice lines throughout the match then simply press a key / button as soon as a round starts (as characters start doing intros) this will skip the round intro voice lines and also any lines during the match. 3.) To view my end credits then do not press anything on the keyboard / controller once you win the end fight in Arcade mode, if you press a button to skip the "VICTORY" screen after the last fight it will also skip the end credits. 4.) I highly recommend using one of the scanline shader presets in the ReShade UI as it helps with jagged edges on characters and portraits. My favourite is the HDR & Scanlines one but there are others for your own preference or you can create your own in the ReShade UI. It looks good with high quality / clear image shader presets too but expect some jagged edges on the big portraits due to them needing indexing, an unfortunate requirement from an outdated engine. 5.) If you prefer the old song i used for the Versus screen then it is in the sound folder. Just rename the "versus.mp3" file to something else or delete it and rename the "Versus - Original.mp3" to just "versus.mp3. Also if you prefer the frame made of cubes around the characters in the character select screen (seen in my earlier video), i can provide instructions on how to change it back, just leave me a comment asking. 6.) You can set the resolution to 3840x2160 (4k) in the ini settings. Doing so might cause crashes as it did on my PC but people with better updated rigs than mine might not experience crashes due to this so change it at your own preference. To do so simply edit the Mugen.cfg file in the data folder. At the top you will see the width and heigth for resolution. Simply delete the 1920 & 1080 and replace it with 3840 & 2160 then save and start the mugen again. 7.) My PC Specs Are: CPU - i7 4790k GPU - Nvidia GTX 980TI Ram - 16gb 1666mhz Vengeance DDR3 OS - Windows 10 & latest updates etc ---------------------------------------------------------------- ReShade Instructions: -------------------------------------- To use the shader presets like scanlines etc. Press the + (plus) key on the keyboard whilst the Mugen is running and you can select them from the drop down menu at the top, once selected just press the + key again to close the menu. If you press the - (minus) key then it disables ReShade and will display the Mugen as it would look without ReShade effects. - If for some reason you don't see a list of items starting with "Preset - " then go into the Mugen's folder, edit the ReShade.ini file and at the top delete the text that comes after "CurrentPresetPath=" then save the file and start the Mugen you should now be able to see the list of presets in the drop down menu. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4gb Ram Performance Patch: --------------------------------------------------- If you get regular crashes it will be because your pc is only using 2gb ram max to run it. If you use the patcher then it will allow it to use 4gb of ram. I have patched it already but sometimes transferring between different PC's will reset the exe file so will need to be patched again. If you do not get regular crashes (constant CTD after 20 mins or so of gameplay) then leave it as it is. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ALTERNATIVE Links ------------------------- Mega: https://mega.nz/file/yKwRwZzA#WY8jH8dPKf9zhf2f1UCDPqSspqn9aSXkQJLrhAPMk7g MediaFire: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mediafire.com%2Ffile%2Fsvd55a3kgzcv9k4%2FRetro_Starz_MUGEN_%28Beta_1.4%29.rar&v=tY6N-pr31ec&event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbm9NZURfdjgtRDFQci0tQ09sMktxLTRUZUxQQXxBQ3Jtc0ttSUJ5RlBIT0cxN1lLOU1LWDV1RU5GVHlCZjJwLWxEM1ZYa3k4TGNEenVyTG9LdGZlVmM1U0UwV0c5UUJSWXFub0EzSXBmR3RuWktwVVFZa3NQaFFRX3FIekc3SXY1YmIxc2ZwYUhlWG92ZWNDTmtiYw%3D%3D ALL THE CREDITS TO THE AUTHORS AND EDITORS OF CHARS, STAGES ETC. And thanks for this amazing site https://www.andersonkenya1.net/ Submitter RAMON GARCIA Submitted 09/16/2020 Category Full MUGEN Games  
  4. 633 downloads

    Retro Starz MUGEN (Beta 1.4) "A MASTERPIECE OF PROJECT" NOW ALL THE LINKS ARE WORKING 😉 ALTERNATIVE LINKS ARE IN DESCRIPTION OF VIDEO: Hi guys, just a short video, main purpose of this upload is to provide the overdue download of beta 1.4. I will be releasing one more beta version (1.5) and then it will be onto normal releases once i have filled the rest of the character slots and added portraits. After this is it is just the characters themselves i will be focusing on and will be the main changes made to each version afterwards. Things like buggy intros, projectiles disappearing, wall climbs in middle of screen, inserting my super move background animation and other bugs and fixes. I will also continue working on more stages to add more animations and breathe a bit of life into them like my Dance with the dead, Love Johnny Airship and Skinny dip fountain stages and of course add more new stages too. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: ------------ Below are instructions on how to use ReShade & the 4gb patcher if needed. But before that there are a couple bits of information regarding my Mugen you should have a quick read over. 1.) I HIGHLY recommend playing this on an SSD as it makes the screens load a lot faster but also the Mugen engine appears to be a lot more stable running off an SSD. 2.) To stop the female announcer from speaking voice lines throughout the match then simply press a key / button as soon as a round starts (as characters start doing intros) this will skip the round intro voice lines and also any lines during the match. 3.) To view my end credits then do not press anything on the keyboard / controller once you win the end fight in Arcade mode, if you press a button to skip the "VICTORY" screen after the last fight it will also skip the end credits. 4.) I highly recommend using one of the scanline shader presets in the ReShade UI as it helps with jagged edges on characters and portraits. My favourite is the HDR & Scanlines one but there are others for your own preference or you can create your own in the ReShade UI. It looks good with high quality / clear image shader presets too but expect some jagged edges on the big portraits due to them needing indexing, an unfortunate requirement from an outdated engine. 5.) If you prefer the old song i used for the Versus screen then it is in the sound folder. Just rename the "versus.mp3" file to something else or delete it and rename the "Versus - Original.mp3" to just "versus.mp3. Also if you prefer the frame made of cubes around the characters in the character select screen (seen in my earlier video), i can provide instructions on how to change it back, just leave me a comment asking. 6.) You can set the resolution to 3840x2160 (4k) in the ini settings. Doing so might cause crashes as it did on my PC but people with better updated rigs than mine might not experience crashes due to this so change it at your own preference. To do so simply edit the Mugen.cfg file in the data folder. At the top you will see the width and heigth for resolution. Simply delete the 1920 & 1080 and replace it with 3840 & 2160 then save and start the mugen again. 7.) My PC Specs Are: CPU - i7 4790k GPU - Nvidia GTX 980TI Ram - 16gb 1666mhz Vengeance DDR3 OS - Windows 10 & latest updates etc ---------------------------------------------------------------- ReShade Instructions: -------------------------------------- To use the shader presets like scanlines etc. Press the + (plus) key on the keyboard whilst the Mugen is running and you can select them from the drop down menu at the top, once selected just press the + key again to close the menu. If you press the - (minus) key then it disables ReShade and will display the Mugen as it would look without ReShade effects. - If for some reason you don't see a list of items starting with "Preset - " then go into the Mugen's folder, edit the ReShade.ini file and at the top delete the text that comes after "CurrentPresetPath=" then save the file and start the Mugen you should now be able to see the list of presets in the drop down menu. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4gb Ram Performance Patch: --------------------------------------------------- If you get regular crashes it will be because your pc is only using 2gb ram max to run it. If you use the patcher then it will allow it to use 4gb of ram. I have patched it already but sometimes transferring between different PC's will reset the exe file so will need to be patched again. If you do not get regular crashes (constant CTD after 20 mins or so of gameplay) then leave it as it is. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ALTERNATIVE Links ------------------------- Mega: https://mega.nz/file/yKwRwZzA#WY8jH8dPKf9zhf2f1UCDPqSspqn9aSXkQJLrhAPMk7g MediaFire: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mediafire.com%2Ffile%2Fsvd55a3kgzcv9k4%2FRetro_Starz_MUGEN_%28Beta_1.4%29.rar&v=tY6N-pr31ec&event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbm9NZURfdjgtRDFQci0tQ09sMktxLTRUZUxQQXxBQ3Jtc0ttSUJ5RlBIT0cxN1lLOU1LWDV1RU5GVHlCZjJwLWxEM1ZYa3k4TGNEenVyTG9LdGZlVmM1U0UwV0c5UUJSWXFub0EzSXBmR3RuWktwVVFZa3NQaFFRX3FIekc3SXY1YmIxc2ZwYUhlWG92ZWNDTmtiYw%3D%3D ALL THE CREDITS TO THE AUTHORS AND EDITORS OF CHARS, STAGES ETC. And thanks for this amazing site https://www.andersonkenya1.net/
  5. View File The King of Fighters WING 2019 [KOF Wing 2019] Creator Vanny 凡一 ​​​​​​​ The King of Fighters WING 2019 [KOF Wing 2019] Creator Vanny 凡一 "One of the best mugen compilations that exist at the moment all the credits to Vanny and authors of chars and stages" Official links: http://www.mediafire.com/file/pos8q8wbr9xczxd/The_King_of_Fighters_WING_V._2019.rar/file or https://mega.nz/file/hI01FAJR#15BngiBI0loBwrR6QOYGK5dsmgCxKuxQjL5wZ3jqQvA or https://pan.baidu.com/s/10i9o2uBDA5BaHmO96yAtFQ Pass.: sj23 Canal do Vanny: https://space.bilibili.com/275843 ALL THE CREDITS TO THE AUTHORS AND EDITORS OF CHARS AND STAGES ETC. And thanks for this amazing site https://www.andersonkenya1.net/ Submitter RAMON GARCIA Submitted 09/14/2020 Category Full MUGEN Games  
  6. 307 downloads

    The King of Fighters WING 2019 [KOF Wing 2019] Creator Vanny 凡一 "One of the best mugen compilations that exist at the moment all the credits to Vanny and authors of chars and stages" Official links: http://www.mediafire.com/file/pos8q8wbr9xczxd/The_King_of_Fighters_WING_V._2019.rar/file or https://mega.nz/file/hI01FAJR#15BngiBI0loBwrR6QOYGK5dsmgCxKuxQjL5wZ3jqQvA or https://pan.baidu.com/s/10i9o2uBDA5BaHmO96yAtFQ Pass.: sj23 Canal do Vanny: https://space.bilibili.com/275843 ALL THE CREDITS TO THE AUTHORS AND EDITORS OF CHARS AND STAGES ETC. And thanks for this amazing site https://www.andersonkenya1.net/
  7. View File Street Fighter Dream Generation (Compiled by Milt Jr & Screenpack by Devon) Street Fighter Dream Generation (Compiled by Milt Jr & Screenpack by Devon) ALL THE CREDITS TO THE AUTHORS AND EDITORS OF CHARS AND STAGES ETC. And thanks for this amazing site https://www.andersonkenya1.net/ Submitter RAMON GARCIA Submitted 09/12/2020 Category Full MUGEN Games  
  8. 517 downloads

    Street Fighter Dream Generation (Compiled by Milt Jr & Screenpack by Devon) ALL THE CREDITS TO THE AUTHORS AND EDITORS OF CHARS AND STAGES ETC. And thanks for this amazing site https://www.andersonkenya1.net/
  9. View File The King of Fighters Zillion MIX by ???; Edited/Fixed by Gui Santos The King of Fighters Zillion MIX by ???; Edited/Fixed by Gui Santos ALL THE CREDITS TO THE AUTHORS AND EDITORS OF CHARS AND STAGES ETC. And thanks for this amazing site https://www.andersonkenya1.net/ Submitter RAMON GARCIA Submitted 09/12/2020 Category Full MUGEN Games  
  10. 103 downloads

    The King of Fighters Zillion MIX by ???; Edited/Fixed by Gui Santos ALL THE CREDITS TO THE AUTHORS AND EDITORS OF CHARS AND STAGES ETC. And thanks for this amazing site https://www.andersonkenya1.net/
  11. 83 downloads

    Mugen AlesRos Edition [beta] [ALE ROS]-RAMON GARCIA [RARE MUGEN] ALL THE CREDITS TO THE AUTHORS AND EDITORS OF CHARS AND STAGES ETC. And thanks for this amazing site https://www.andersonkenya1.net/
  12. View File Mugen AlesRos Edition [beta] [ALE ROS]-RAMON GARCIA [RARE MUGEN] Mugen AlesRos Edition [beta] [ALE ROS]-RAMON GARCIA [RARE MUGEN] ALL THE CREDITS TO THE AUTHORS AND EDITORS OF CHARS AND STAGES ETC. And thanks for this amazing site https://www.andersonkenya1.net/ Submitter RAMON GARCIA Submitted 09/12/2020 Category Full MUGEN Games  
  13. View File SNK vs Capcom MUGEN em Português SNK vs Capcom MUGEN em Português ALL THE CREDITS TO THE AUTHORS AND EDITORS OF CHARS AND STAGES ETC. And thanks for this amazing site https://www.andersonkenya1.net/ Submitter RAMON GARCIA Submitted 09/12/2020 Category Full MUGEN Games  
  14. 86 downloads

    SNK vs Capcom MUGEN em Português ALL THE CREDITS TO THE AUTHORS AND EDITORS OF CHARS AND STAGES ETC. And thanks for this amazing site https://www.andersonkenya1.net/
  15. the first full compilation shared in the history of mugen of this screenpack is here:
  16. 377 downloads

    Hyper Dragon Ball Z SUPER MUGEN 2019 +Download+ (BR) com personagens de Dragon Ball Super ALL THE CREDITS TO THE AUTHORS AND EDITORS OF CHARS AND STAGES ETC. And thanks for this amazing site https://www.andersonkenya1.net/
  17. View File HYPER DRAGON BALL SUPER edit by FLASHPOINT GAMES Hyper Dragon Ball Z SUPER MUGEN 2019 +Download+ (BR) com personagens de Dragon Ball Super ALL THE CREDITS TO THE AUTHORS AND EDITORS OF CHARS AND STAGES ETC. And thanks for this amazing site https://www.andersonkenya1.net/ Submitter RAMON GARCIA Submitted 09/12/2020 Category Full MUGEN Games  
  18. View File Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Abridged (Perfect Edition) compilation by AntiJosh Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Abridged (Perfect Edition) compilation by AntiJosh https://prnt.sc/uf82en Submitter RAMON GARCIA Submitted 09/10/2020 Category Full MUGEN Games  
  19. 65 downloads

    Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Abridged (Perfect Edition) compilation by AntiJosh https://prnt.sc/uf82en
  20. View File Mugen Marvel Vs capcom 2 + extencion Mugen Marvel Vs capcom 2 + extencion ALL THE CREDITS TO THE AUTHORS AND EDITORS OF CHARS AND STAGES ETC. And thanks for this amazing site https://www.andersonkenya1.net/ Submitter RAMON GARCIA Submitted 09/09/2020 Category Full MUGEN Games  
  21. 504 downloads

    Mugen Marvel Vs capcom 2 + extencion ALL THE CREDITS TO THE AUTHORS AND EDITORS OF CHARS AND STAGES ETC. And thanks for this amazing site https://www.andersonkenya1.net/
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