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File Reviews posted by kil0-meter

  1. I always have to remember to lower my expectations when it comes to cartoon characters. Honestly in this case I'm glad I did that because this Patrick isn't all that great.

    First off, Patrick plays in a very clunky fashion. There are a lot of moves that you'd expect to chain into each other, yet they just don't. For example, you can chain standing LP into standing MK, but not standing LK into standing MP. On top of that, his frame data's all over the place, e.g. his standing punches come out and end at the exact same time. His hitboxes are also a little too straight-to-the-point; there's almost no range on his light kicks. This is especially apparent in air combos, where if you're not facing a massive opponent you'll just whiff your air LK 99% of the time. All this makes his combo game feel very unsatisfying.
    Even though Patrick has 3 specials, you're better off just using the cartwheel. It's an easy infinite, has the best range, and since it doesn't have any cooldown it can even be used as a combo starter. While the ice cream toss is also an infinite, it usually goes straight over the opponent's head unless you're standing right next to them, in which case you're better off using the cartwheel because of the lower startup time. The towel whip is basically just his standing MK but slightly worse, and the EX version doesn't even change anything about it.
    His hypers are similarly not worth using for the most part. "Towel Star" is way too situational, only shaving off less than 1/10th of the opponent's lifebar at best, and the other two hypers are programmed in a way so that they can't even be used outside of a combo. "Diesel Dreaming" is the much better option as it does almost twice the damage as "Rock Smash!" for less the power.
    Finally, Patrick has a very spammable roll. It almost works as it should, but since there's no collision boxes on Patrick it means that you're free to use it to your heart's content without having to worry about ever getting hit. Similarly, Patrick does not have any collision boxes on his walking back animation at all, or his backwards hop.

    In spite of all of what I just said, Patrick...isn't entirely bad. He's actually coded in a somewhat functional way for the most part. He does not seem to be able to clone himself or get stuck in the air, and you can use him without breaking the game, but of course I haven't tested him for too long so that may very well be possible. There are a few hints of creativity scattered throughout the character (I thought the "surprised patrick" losepose was funny), and even though Patrick's moveset isn't good, it's got some neat ideas. In fact, one peek into his sprite file reveals a whole bunch of unused sprites that could've made for decent additions, like a Wario-esque shoulderbash and the orb of confusion. There is sort of a "missed opportunity" feeling going on, but IMO there isn't much that can be salvaged from this Patrick.
    Ultimately, Patrick is another cookie-cutter cartoon character creation (try saying that five times fast). There's much worse Spongebob characters out there, but as it remains Patrick isn't really a character I would recommend unless you're a collector or something, or if you really just want a Patrick in your roster.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go type up another essay about a cartoon character!!!!!

    Fun Factor - 2/5
    Gameplay - 1.5/5
    Functionality - 2/5

    Overall - 2/5

    • Upvote 2
  2. Luigi Figure

       98    0

    Now I love unorthodox MUGEN creations, and Luigi Figure certainly fits the bill. A character made entirely out of photos taken of a toy fits in perfectly with what you'd expect to find in MUGEN. Even though Luigi Figure doesn't bring anything new to the table, the concept behind it all helps him stay fresh. Unfortunately, the concept's probably the highlight.

    When it comes to gameplay, he's a little janky. While he functions like a normal chain combo character, he can chain every normal into itself, which makes for some weird combos. For example, standing medium punch in the corner over and over again = half of the opponent's life gone. His specials aren't as weird, but they do have some odd commands, such as QCB+P being the fireball move. That said, his specials are just MUGEN adaptations of Luigi's normal Smash moves which is a little disappointing, but not a deal-breaker in any way. Luigi's hypers are more creative, but not by much: two of them are just powered-up versions of his specials. I will admit that the last one, the "Super Vacuum", is pretty funny and caught me off guard. Luigi can't be punished at all during it though, which combined with the massive range makes it the most powerful out of all his hypers, leaving little reason for the other two to be used. Overall this is where I see the most room for improvement.

    Luigi isn't what I'd call a buggy character, though what bugs he does have are definitely noticeable. Examples include the weird normal chaining system, his launcher and dash attack being infinites on block, and some missing hitboxes here and there, like during his roll. They do help give this particular Luigi a certain vibe to him though, which is only backed up by just how strange of an idea this is.

    Bugs aside, this Luigi is definitely a unique one. It's the type of character that would intrude my brain every couple of years. I can just picture it now-I'd probably be walking down the street or something, only to get interrupted by my brain asking myself if I remember that one action figure Luigi character. If you love weird MUGEN characters like I do, you'll probably enjoy Luigi Figure. Even regular Mario fans might want to try him out for a bit, because all in all it's certainly not a bad Luigi.

    Fun Factor - 4/5
    Gameplay - 2.5/5
    Functionality - 3/5

    Overall - 3/5

  3. Woody Woodpecker

       367    0

    Woody is a very simple character. Yet it works! Even though he doesn't have much to offer in terms of a moveset, the few moves he has feel nice and crisp and go together very solidly, and you can tell O Illusionista was passionate about creating this one. A few of the touches Illusionista added, such as the flying damage numbers, help make Woody stand out from other characters, not to mention the unique choice of effects. There are a couple of weird bugs like Woody suddenly becoming invincible when taunting, but nothing too bad. Unfortunately there really isn't much I can say about Woody besides the fact that he's functional, what with the limited moveset and all. As it stands though, Woody is a decent demonstration of "less is more".

    • Upvote 1
  4. These guys aren't awful but they could use a lot more work. Their gameplay is really basic and clunky, and for the most part they function the same. They each have a projectile, but there's no reason to use Mandy's, since Billy's is a lot better as it comes out faster and stuns the opponent longer. On the other hand, Mandy's other special is a lot better than Billy's and it's easy to pull off infinites with it. Their hypers are a little better although Mandy's could use a slight damage boost. Also for some reason, the Chicken Ball Z hyper only fully connects if the opponent is standing in a specific spot, so most of the time it's useless. There are a few other shenanigans like how you can't hit Billy when he lands from the nose bounce special, but nothing game-breaking from what I've seen.

    THAT BEING SAID this is a neat concept and there are fun ideas behind it. The way Camren incorporates moves from the official Billy & Mandy fighting game is pretty cool. I love the idea of Mandy throwing Irwin as an attack! I think this is a really cool idea for a character, but it could be executed in a much better fashion.

  5. Okay Spongebob. Plays smoothly for the most part, though there are certain aspects that don't mesh well with the fast-paced MvC style Christian is trying to replicate at all. For one, he takes forever to start and land from a jump. His strikers are also very slow meaning that they can be easily avoided. The Alaskan Bull Worm hyper is also too slow for my taste. The real issue at hand though is that his moveset isn't very original. There are a few moves here and there like the anchor arms punch that are pretty creative, but if you've downloaded any other Spongebob before, chances are, you've probably seen everything else he has to offer. 

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