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Comments posted by XPGlitz236

  1. A simple Thanks for the mention
    (since this is a worthy comment that isnt about a MUGEN full game but an IKEMEN GO full game. + Being a one man doing all the work)

    To give it some origin story
    Back around 2019 to 2020: I once created the (Now canned) fan game "Sonic Infinite Battle"
    Looking back at most of the creations from the previous canned fan game I was a little mixed. (Though this would mark one of the few
    games to have a certain much more playable vector the crocodile)
    (Most did end up into this website and Spriteclub (though still mainly caused the AI i made was maybe a lil too hard but hey.)

    Around the beginning of 2021 I did then decide to give it a 2nd try but with a new name (Sonic Battle Redux)
    But this time with some big adjustments including some returning moves from the (Imo: underrated gba fighting game) Sonic Battle

    The sort of reason why Both (But mostly Sonic Battle Redux's case) were created
    There's a certain amount of compilations that don't feel consistent. (They always say its frowned upon. and I tend to dislike compilations that do not feel consistent.)
    Especially using ABAB's Sonic Characters. (They don't even notice the AI difficulty is not 1.0 or later. But the classic winmugen method)

    Even for those so called "JUS" characters. They don't actually feel like they're from the actual DS game.


    For the differences between Infinite battle vs Redux
    There's probably a lot but to list some of these Such as 

    What's added
    The FX from the GBA game
    Power charging
    "Ultimates" (not all characters have it)
    a few returning characters (Even if theres a single fan made character)
    Using the Infamous Sonic VS LF2 sprites. AKA Sonic Gather Battle. (Don't worry. I found the sprites somewhere. I just cannot mention the website here.)


    AI comparing to infinite battle's. (Took the little random code from Veanko's Sonic character to make it maybe more custom friendly (Even if im still not a pro on AI).

    The Palette selection In game  (Not in the Character Select Screen) (Some characters doesn't have a lil bug of showing those debug messages if debug messages are enabled.)

    Possibly Planned
    Possible Story mode, Challenges (And unlockables) .etc (Buuut I don't know much about LUA coding. Unless one does want to help teach me a bit of it. (More info can be found in the IKEMEN GO Github)

    For those who haven't caught up
    Some extra info can be found in the Devlog (Or if you want to really see some sprite progress outside of game jolt. I have a discord server with a few threads about Battle Redux (If you Private message me first (Don't expect too much but it somewhat has activity there.)


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