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File Reviews posted by Tabris666

  1. old ikemen version for this one,add insult to injury and this use chibi chars .

    as i said to some users before "i understand using chibi chars on early 2000s because of limitations but now there is no excuse for it" yet they keep doing that.

    if you think that a DBZ ikemen game made from scratch using 3D models and original coding was sabotaged you kinda understand most authors don't want to change their ways.

  2. if this was uploaded by someone that will direct link to the original site instead of trying to take the glory as most youtuber it would be more apreciated.


    Sadly this version got everything that made the original better completely removed,not even joking this had a custom special made system which worked in a similar way to RPG games,winning experience and levels and becoming stronger while choosing which stat would you update.


    This is why is not apreciated when thiefs like ramon garcia start to invade sites since they not only steal but also take glory for making a buggy mess works of art like the original game made on mugen which can be found on emumax.com with the custom rpg system specially made for mugen

  3. Sadly this stage doesn't work as intended not even trying to fix it will solve the problem.

    .- is not specific if this is winmugen,1.0 or 1.1

    .-crash while loading stage

    .-stage showing up only half of it with green bg color

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