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stale cheeto

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File Reviews posted by stale cheeto

  1. this is quite a bizarre character. she's entertaining to watch because of her puppet playstyle, and frustrating to fight when you get caught up in umbrella shenanigans. i think its a cool character but im gonna have to take a star off because the character is 12 years old and you can see her underwear when you super ko her. its creepier that she actually sounds like a child

  2. Bowow

       103    0

    They're a decent character with fun visuals compatible with Darkstalkers and Puzzle Fighter moves, but her lack of combos is disappointing to say the least. A lot of her attacks often give the opponent the opportunity to recover, and you won't get a chance to extend your combos without them being blocked. Bowow is a cute shoto style character but don't download this and expect a masterpiece.

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