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Boyfriend from Friday Night Funkin' by pvzfan92

(Stance resized for my sanity)

A more recent version of the blue-haired hero, but God, he's such a mess. Especially where assists are concerned. He has custom AI (or maybe that from the template he used) and a majority of the assists come from mods rather than the actual game. And multiple can be on screen at the same time. Even worse? The internal files that call him Keith, when it obviously isn't his name (that's been made official it wasn't, BTW).

I can't tell which is worse, testing this to almost lose my sanity on Mother's Day, or the author saying DDLC sucks on one of his uploads of his Baldi (which his game is pretty awful for a parody, too). I'm just glad this didn't use the SMvC: EoH template.

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