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Kefla DBFZ 1.0.0 & 1.1

   (1 review)

2 Screenshots

About This File

1st File:

DBFZ Kefla was made by: "Faber Player"


This is an (almost) exact replica of Kefla straight up from DBFZ, minus the JUS version that has assists and such.

Very nice to play as and can really pack a punch if used right!



2nd File:


DBFZ JUS Kefla was made by: "DolyP29";;aka FreshPrince24


This version of Kefla is a JUS DBFZ Kefla with full autocombos EXACTLY and to a T like in DBFZ as well with assists such as Frieza, Gohan, Goku, and more I can't get off the top of my head!

If you're looking for portable DBFZ accuracy, then this is the one you're truly looking for!

What's New in Version 1.0.0 & 1.1


Third File:

DBFZ Kefla was made by: "DCslayer,Faber player and Fafanpizza" (Original character by Fresh Prince 24)"


Now this is EXACTLY what I've been waiting for!

Finally, a completely accurate DBFZ Kefla with a cinematic intro, perfect gameplay, and a classic winpose!


(Removed my buff, and replaced with the RECENTLY updated version of Kefla! This one's a keeper now that all the issues are fixed, cinematics fixed up as well, and missing sprites cleaned up as well!)


Showcase here as well!


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The Pepsi In The Comments

· Edited by The Pepsi In The Comments

   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

While the DBFZ one has very nice sprites, its AI is very pathetic and could use some touching up.

The JUS one is literally the best and most accurate to DBFZ to the point I'd prefer that one over the FighterZ sprited one.

Only problem to me with the JUS one is that its palette selector is extremely confusing, and I can't ever seem to get the default palette whenever I want unless it's been chosen by random...


Of course, if the JUS version gets its sprites replaced by the FighterZ sprites, then it'd literally be perfect.

Shoot, the JUS one actually has the FighterZ intro and then some.

Response from the author:

And now I feel it to be absolutely perfect with the newest addition!

That's a 10/10 for me with the new FighterZ sprites plus the completely accurate FighterZ gameplay that was just made by DCSlayer!

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