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5 Screenshots

About This File

This Goku comes with 3 versions of itself;

- DBS Goku (Made by: author = "280gou" + 3.5 patch = "NKYMD")

- Blizzard (Made by: "280gou")

- DBZ Kai (Made by: "280gou, shidou-san"



1. There's some new sounds for DBZ Goku, them being some screams, and some dialogue changes, as well as the obvious stance change.

2. For Blizzard Goku, the DBS Broly intro SHOULD work, if not, then I've no idea what to do from that point, not to mention his power boost compared to regular Goku.

3. DBS Goku will now have the animated idle when he's in Ultra Instinct Omen, as well as Mastered Ultra Instinct.


I'd call this an unofficial 3.6 for now, but it is what it is until there's actually some change or new form or something.

Oh yeah, and all of them have the English and Japanese voice patches.


Note: There's a strange error with DBZ Kai Goku, where if he kills someone or is killed, he or the enemy will vanish, and if he kills with Kaioken, it will look like Goku died, while he then holds up nothing, also interactions with some characters are broken, such as Kid Gohan and Goku fighting in their intro not happening, nor Gohan commenting about Goku's forms past SSJ3.


FYI: DBZ Kakarot is pretty busted, and can K.O. you fairly quickly, even with the nerf I gave him (He can easily destroy opponents in his base form alone) and Blizzard Goku is no slouch either, so be on your toes with him. DBS Goku is the only fair one of the bunch, ironically.


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