About This File
Tristemente Todos Sabemos Lo Que Le Paso A Akira Toriyama Y Por Eso Hice Este Stage...
Que Lo Disfruten...
Sadly, we all know what happened to Akira Toriyama and that's why I made this stage...
Enjoy it... (I Have Used The Translator So It May Have Errors)
What's New in Version 1.0.0
Tristemente Todos Sabemos Lo Que Le Paso A Akira Toriyama Y Por Eso Hice Este Stage...
Que Lo Disfruten...
Sadly, we all know what happened to Akira Toriyama and that's why I made this stage...
Enjoy it... (I Have Used The Translator So It May Have Errors)
Only Works In Mugen 1.1