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Posts posted by Geneticfreak

  1. On 12/23/2021 at 9:41 PM, അവ്യക്തതയിലേക്ക് വിധിക്കപ് said:

    Anybody on this website seeing this lately, I was logged in to my and they keep telling that the server is too busy for a week but they still haven't fix the problem to this day, can anyone explain why is this happening and how long its going to take, is there any way to do something about it.


    sorry to hear this I believe you got banned, it happend to me before, they said they banned me because I don't regularly make commons in thier forum, so they just can't let people just go there and download their stuffs.  But trust me, they lost lots of precious uploaders because of that.

  2. you mean mugenarchive.com, right?  yes it's they're very restricted, basically they'll banned you if you don't visit and leave common to their forum regularly.  But somehow I notice their good quality upload is in declined, maybe because of their high restriction.

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