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infinite eclipse

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  1. Version 1.0.0


    An edit of my previously released li shuwen, now includes increased stats, a near full ho transformation which was coded in to look fricking horrible (bear with me here I'm using a phone to code) meter gain and burn damage on attacks. Enjoy
  2. View File Li shuwen (Iso Tourney Edition) An edit of my previously released li shuwen, now includes increased stats, a near full ho transformation which was coded in to look fricking horrible (bear with me here I'm using a phone to code) meter gain and burn damage on attacks. Enjoy Submitter infinite eclipse Submitted 03/09/2024 Category Fate - stay night  
  3. View File Li Shuwen Ai Upgrade Shoutout to Joan quineres for the original version of this character. Shoutout to tower mugen for the thumbnail. Patch notes. Lowered the damage of his fireball, pillar eruption, and attacks, they were waaaay too much. Gains more meter for attacking, Heavily adjusted ai Ie combos into specials and different combo paths like a goes into b and b goes into c sometimes. 340 now occasionally spins opponent around. Lowered pop rate of some moves. Coded unused spear attack to work. Coded counter and ult to now pop. There are still some edits I can make to his ai as he makes mistakes, but tbh that makes the matches more fun in certain regards. I will be revisting this char when joan quineres makes the full version VIVA LA ANDERSONKENYA. Submitter infinite eclipse Submitted 03/07/2024 Category Fate - stay night  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Shoutout to Joan quineres for the original version of this character. Shoutout to tower mugen for the thumbnail. Patch notes. Lowered the damage of his fireball, pillar eruption, and attacks, they were waaaay too much. Gains more meter for attacking, Heavily adjusted ai Ie combos into specials and different combo paths like a goes into b and b goes into c sometimes. 340 now occasionally spins opponent around. Lowered pop rate of some moves. Coded unused spear attack to work. Coded counter and ult to now pop. There are still some edits I can make to his ai as he makes mistakes, but tbh that makes the matches more fun in certain regards. I will be revisting this char when joan quineres makes the full version Yt fight link VIVA LA ANDERSONKENYA.
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