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About IcyHoney

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  1. Hello, can we talk in private?

  2. IcyHoney


    Excuse me, I'm working on a project. Idk how to message here, sorry. But I think you're a good candidate. Can you please help me with this project?
  3. Excuse me, I'm working on a project. Idk how to message here, sorry. But I think you're a good candidate. Can you please help me with this project?
  4. Excuse me, idk how to message but I'm working on a project and I need your help. I think you're a good candidate, will you please help me?
  5. Hi, I'm working on a fighting game project with a team. I'm an artist. I'm very serious about this project, I have a discord server with some mutuals and friends who will also work on this project with me. This is a passion project based off of Pokemon Creepypastas, the game will always be free because it's a passion project. Nobody is getting paid, since this is all just a passion project we want to do for the community. Here's some examples of my artwork. I'm sorry if those just show up as links, I don't use forums so I'm not really sure how these work. I'm looking for a coder, yes but someone who's also silly and relaxed. We tend to joke around a lot in the server, there will be no talking of NSFW in the server. We're just starting this project, so we don't have much of a preview. We just recently made a twitter account for the project, which you can find here: https://twitter.com/GameboyMashup You can also contact the team through that link that way as well. Thank you to those who consider, and good luck.
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