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Status Updates posted by yoonbin16

  1. Hi so I am going to post this once, because I cannot stress this enough but I am not always active here and when I AM active here it's every once in a blue moon. I am a very busy person because I work and I have a lot of things to pay off and buy for my family, do not spam my DMs or mass leave messages in my posts when you have an issue downloading my content. my discord server EXISTS for a reason, and making a discord account is VERY simple. I've said this a lot and and I will gladly say this again: if you have any questions or concerns or need help with any kind of my works please join my discord server for you have a 1000% of getting a response from me when you join my discord server and mention me or reach out to me directly on there. so I will be putting the link to my discord here: https://discord.gg/zff2Kbx5Xb 

  2. Going to be uploading my latest uploads from my channel, I say this because these are just mugens that I was working on before my break but decided not to even try anymore because I just wanted to move on from them and work on the mugens that everyone voted on that I have on my to-do list. 

    one mugen is filled with gaps and is unfinished and so on and so forth. one works well but is mis-aligned, and the other one is fine but has a few gaps so keep that in mind.

  3. I did a mugen screenpack poll on my channel in my community tab. if you guys want to vote, check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/@XDeathwingSilenceX/community

  4. Hello,
    ┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ♡
    So, I wanted to make a quick post on something in regards of preserving my mugens to archive.org
    as you couldn't tell I have been very busy lately, to point my ADHD ass would forget to upload my mugens to the website such as the famous svcum 1.1, eve mugen all stars, brokenMUGEN and more. I know I stated that I want to find time to do it but I am going to be very honest with you all I just haven't found time. I work MOST of the time and I am trying to pursue a new direction in my job career so I gotta not make any false promises on uploading them...


    I would like to say officially that you ALL have my permission to upload my mugens to archive.org as long as you give credit, if it ask for an author you put in: @XDeathwing SilenceX or, Mikuzaki The Mugenite. either one works best, 

    And, to help with that..

    I've made a channel on my discord server completely dedicated to direct links to all my mugens I've uploaded so far and even made a word document listing all of them as well in the channel ⁠🌙˚╯my-mugen-links . you're all also free to re-upload these mugens as long as you give credit just like this admin of the website: juegosdemugen.com/en who is aka called: @mugengames on YouTube

    Once, you have done it I'll give you a shout-out and promote whatever you want promoted for free in my discord server and all my other discord servers as well that's listed in my servers. because it is a BIG deal to take the time out of your day to preserve someone's works. I greatly appreciate anyone who is planning to take the time or wants to take the time to do after this announcement is posted. 

    That is all
    If you have any questions or concerns, or want someone to talk to you're free to DM me

  5. It's truly missing BTS hours for me rn 😭 

  6. I forgot some of you are not in my discord so might as well announce the news here as well. I
    I am going to be moving my much older mugens that use mega.nz unto google drive. I finally got enough money to get the 2TB google drive plan that will be on for a whole year. so for now, I recommend checking out the other mugens rather than mugens like the following:
    EVE 1.1 FULL MUGEN 2019
    EVE Mugen All-Stars 2020
    MY LEGACY 1.1 MUGEN w/ 3500+ CHARS
    and MUGEN AX2 JUS - Anime Mugen Edition COMPLETED w/ 3000+ Chars
    mugens that are also in MANY MANY parts will also be moved to google drive such as
    My IMT (BLUE) Mugen Roster 1.0 
    note: this will not happen now. the links will STILL be up.
    I'll be paying for it on the 20th since that when it will be renewed considering like late of last month thats when I paid for only a month of it.

    I ALSO forgot to mention that I will be uploading all of my mugens onto archive.org for perservation purposes as well! so, if anything happens that's the site to go to keep my rosters living on forever. also ANOTHER good news I will be working on Broken Mugen (9k slot) edition on TUESDAY! 🙂 STAY TUNED.

  7. DOWNLOAD LINKS FOR SVCUM MUGEN 1.1 HAS BEEN UPDATED! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGoBf8-o-uY

  8. Back to working on SVCUM 1.1 Mugen (5,000 slots) 😄

  9. Everyone if you have the chance feel free to join my discord server: https://discord.gg/zff2Kbx5Xb - for I recently gotten hacked and, that server got deleted. it's dedicated to both my mugen and, sims 4 cc youtube channels. 

  10. Bruh, why is there like a setting to where I get notified if someone reported somethin. boi I ain't got time for that im here for some mugens and chars lmao

    1. The Pepsi In The Comments

      The Pepsi In The Comments

      I feel u lmfao, truly, I'm not good at reports and follow-ups lol

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