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Posts posted by Deathnun

  1. hello fellow mugen fans  I am wondering if you could help me I am wondering what the options/choices are for the "cns difficulty" I came across three while editing. Basic, easy , Medium advance what are the other choices thanks :) also a big shout out to the guy who gave angel from pit fighter and AI she seams to acutely do something now 

  2. Mugen Archive banned me lol they invaded my personal space and read a comment I put on another site (Probably this one) and banned me, I feel like a kid again I am getting banned from a site for a video game on its last legs, sad part is I don't know what I said, I may have complained about the download limitations, so tell me your stories of been banned by them lets compare I think its hilarious that they have spies on all the other rival muegn sites to see who talks about them thankfully I download pretty much all the characters I needed but still that's not the point. In the words of Judge Judy Proof or it didn't happen. Maybe there racist cause I'm Irish haha Maybe they shouldn't ban people so the game stays alive. 

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  3. Hello pussycats/ fellow mugan players I have a challenge for you could someone make me an AI for some characters  for me they are really old characters but sadly they don't do an awful lot if anything in a match, and I have a soft spot for them, I mean they do have moves but just don't use them really, I guess the built in mugen AI is bad but yea thanks if you can do something , if you use her you will see what I mean, but if making me an AI is too hard maybe you could tell me what codes to change or something. :)

    Angel from Pit Fighter is the character

    And another Lady called Rhina she has a horn on her head not sure  where she is from ! probably tattoo assassins, she also has some moves but tends not to use em much

    Also looking for a Foxy Brown character basically an afro fighting chick if there is any about! Thanks in advance

    Thoughts: All them characters from Pit fighter are the same what if angel had all there moves

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