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AI Generator 1.0.0

   (1 review)

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About This File


If you have questions ask and I'll update the description and directly address you

This may get complicated to use but obviously as time goes on you'll know what to do instantly.

  • Do not get rid of any files in this folder. I recommend to copy and have a back up folder at all times
  • Take every file out from the character you want to patch and copy and paste into the ai folder
  • Alright now that everything is in the same folder and stuff activate ai.exe
  • If the conversion is successful then it will say "Press Enter to Exit" and you'll see a bunch of the files in the code that you put in
  • If the conversion is not successful then it will close out automatically
  • You should now have AI-*filename* suddenly appearing out of nowhere. Put all of those along with the other files you copied such as sound etc. into a folder of it's own
  • Copy aihelper2.cns and paste it into the folder. Drag and move the aisummary.txt file that also appeared out of nowhere and put it in the folder.
  • Cool now we have everything set up to patch the guy/girl. Open the character def file and make a new st2 or st3.
  • Make st2=aihelper2.cns and st3=aisummary.txt
  • Sometimes the converter likes to mess up the ai coding so if you need help on that I'll try and fix the coding

This thing down here should do some explaining0.thumb.png.00f108c488731544ec0f15769b0b5a30.png 

A Bunch of questions other people asked

  • Does it increase AI performance or weaken it?

               It will most likely increase it! :3

  • Upvote 4

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On 12/29/2023 at 12:17 AM, zzazman said:

I have another question for you.

One of my characters has a move where she dashes at the opponent and punches them (let's call it dash punch). She almost never uses dash punch against someone like Kung Fu Man, but against a character like Ryu, she uses the dash punch all the time. Why is this? Does this have anything to do with the fact that Ryu uses a projectile? Or does it have something to do with helpers? I have no idea, and it's really bothering me because the dash punch is one of her main moves. So her AI is either really weak against characters like Kung Fu Man, or really strong against characters like Ryu. This is unacceptable.

Ryu must be doing something that causes her to want to dash punch, while Kung Fu Man is a more patient and idle character who focuses on counter attacking. My guess is that her dash punch checks for whether or not there is an opening for her to take advantage of. I won't truly know until you link the character in question but that's my guess.

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