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About This File

Little Red Slicing Hood, also known simply as "Red," is part of Undyne's Royal Guard and is a ghost monster who can not be encountered by conventional means. The only way to find her is by "getting lost in a way nobody thought possible." She is fought in an Unknown route at the CORE.

Red has a very upbeat, excitable personality, making it easy to get along with members of the Canine Unit. However, she feels anything of important nature should be taken seriously; she exhibits strong loyalty to both Undyne and Asgore, obeying the orders to station herself far out of the path of the human without question, and shows frustration in response to flippant behavior, storming out should the Human repeatedly attempt to make her laugh.

Despite a supposed lack of hatred towards humankind, her initial interactions with the Human are quite cold. Confident that the Human will be slain at the hands of Asgore (if not earlier), Red shows extreme hesitance in befriending them on any level, even initially refusing to speak, as to "not lose someone else." However, as revealed in the genocide route, she shows a bit of relief should the Human violently decline her offer of mercy, as it leaves her without any compunctions, leaving only a will to survive.

Red has a strong fondness of Cinnamon Bunnies and Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 2, the latter of which she is quite defensive.

Edited by The Pepsi In The Comments
Also had to update a bit of the biography for her.

What's New in Version 1.0.0 & 1.1


Finally finished the sprites, but she really does need an overhaul to be better.

Not to mention a bomb move, considering she's only like 80% done.


She would also need the Delta Guardians as her special attacks as well if I were to truly be done with her.


If anyone wants to finish it, then feel free! I don't mind.Upload it, and ask to merge it.

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Please...just do whatever will help you get better...if this is taking a notable toll on your mental health, you need to focus on that, even if that means giving up on this project.  Hell, since M.U.G.E.N. is such a niche hobby that provides no profit other than community response, that's even more reason to focus on your mental health.  You haven't deadlines or anything like that for this.  Your health comes first.

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