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About This File

Yang Xiao Long by OHMSBY.

2nd file: AI patched by Holn (Last Updated: October 23, 2021)

3rd file: Japanese voice snd file by Alchemist of Atlas

What's New in Version 1.5


-New Mechanic: Not Over Yet
  -Upon reaching 35% health or below and not being in a hurt state, you will receive the following benefits for the rest of the round:
   +All Distortion Drives deal 20% more damage (Stacks with Ultra Burst's damage buff)
   +Immediately Gain 500 Meter
   +Slowly gain meter overtime
   +Gain a defense buff that scales up to 35% according to how much health you currently have (Less health means more defense)
  -Only triggers once per round
-New Mechanic: Ultra Dead Angle (Burst while Guarding)
  -Using this will cancel your guard stun and make you invulnerable for ten frames after the super pause. This also puts you into the Ultra Burst state, but it will only last a third of the time it would if you were to Ultra Burst normally.
-Ground throw now has 5 frames of startup, Dash Grab now has 3 frames of startup
-Stationary, Forward, and air dodges now have less invul time against physical attacks
-Invul time upon air recovery lasts a little longer and control is regained a little sooner
-Directional inputs now have more influence over air recovery
-Distortion Drives can now be triggered with any combination of A, B, and C rather than just A+B (Example: QCF B+C, QCB A+C)
-Changed default Liedown time to 15 frames
-A red X now appears over the Burst Icon when in a situation where it is not usable
-Added an Invalid Combo Indicator
-General Aesthetic Changes
-Fixed an error where projectiles ignored damage scaling
-Semblance now triggers at 25% health
- Adjusted hitboxes and Hurt boxes on Burst of Embers
- Fixed gethit states for 66B, jC, and Too hot to handle
- Changed hitsound for 2C
- Added envshake to the last hit of raging inferno and cold shoulder while semblance is active
- Adjusted dust effect for run stop
- Added CozySquirtile's updated small portrait
- Fixed an error where Fire Cracker isn't rotated for the first frame
- Adjustments to sliding dust effects
- Adjustments to the alignment and custom state for Cold Shoulder
- Minor adjustments to velocities
- Fixed "sound does not exist" debug errors in IKEMEN GO
- Fixed an error where the Astral Heat heals the opponent in Ikemen GO
- Increased Cornerpush for Strawberry Sunrise
- General Adjustments to hurtboxes
- Yang is now required to be in control in order for her semblance to activate
- Burning Ember's armor now activates later in the move
- Adjusted Hitboxes for Burning Embers
- Ultra Burst Aura now dissapears whenever Yang is in a custom state
- Fixed an error where certain act files in the extra palettes folder had the wrong colors

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1 hour ago, Amaterachu1 said:

BlazBlue? She appeared in a blazeblue title? It must be recent then because poihouiftudryseyyuoiiueytfyu.

Blazblue Cross Tag Battle.

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