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About This File

Gyro Zeppeli was made by: "DanoRenovado" 

++  Base Code by Mikel8888,DryMugen,Dano,Inktrebuchet,Petamynx,Adventurer +;
;+++++++++ Visual Effects by Mikel888,DryMugen,Rivelio,Burako ++++++++++++++;
;+++++++ Sound Design by Mikel8888,Rivelio,Inseph,DryMugen,Petamynx ++++++++;
;++++++++++++++ Sprites made by       DioDora333   ❤️          +++++++++++++;
;+++++++++++ Voice Clips ripped by                             +++++++++++++;
;++++++++ Alternate Color Selector inspired and sugested by Petamynx +++++++;


Gyro is a master of the Spin hailing from the Kingdom of Naples. He joins the Steel Ball Run race to win amnesty for a child he is assigned to execute. His mastery of the Spin later allows him access to the Stand, Ball Breaker.

Gyro initially appears as a cocky and aggressive contestant in the Steel Ball Run. Unlike other competitors, Gyro looks to seize the first place aggressively, rushing ahead of everyone, then fending off anyone who challenges him. He also has a tendency to take dangerous shortcuts. Gyro is a rude man, deriding the vast majority of those he meets with insults and mocking commentaries. Even with his closest friend Johnny Joestar, Gyro doesn't mince his words and sometimes argues with him. Moreover, Johnny only made a lasting impression on Gyro through his dogged stubbornness, and otherwise looked down on him during their first meeting. The only person for which Gyro had any degree of respect is his stern father, Gregorio Zeppeli. Gyro's cockiness and rudeness extend to his fights, during which Gyro is prone to mock his enemies in some way or say something cocky. For instance, he openly mocked Mountain Tim's "ridiculous" hat. Gyro is particularly proud of his mastery of the Spin, a family technique involving the rotation and throwing of steel balls to various effects and hails the Spin as the acme of human skill,[14] this pride is latter justified when the Spin proves to be able to defeat even the Stand Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C) - Love Train. His method of teaching is improvisational, only instructing Johnny the basics of the Spin and introducing him to the Golden Rectangle when they were threatened by a new enemy.


Here's the release video:



First File: "GyroRelease" is the JUS sized one, with no changes to it.

Second File: "Gyro (Resized)" Is the resized version to fit with normal sized characters that can be found in a HFTF roster and the like.

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