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Hiroshi 1.0.0

   (2 reviews)

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by GTFoxN6Y

Hiroshi joins the MUGEN Battle!

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   4 of 4 members found this review helpful 4 / 4 members

Okay, so one star might be harsh, but listen close. This character is broken in many ways, most of which were listed on Mugen Free For All. The fact the author has a negative reputation because his characters aren't great. And every. Single. CHARACTER. HAS HUGE FLAWS. It's obvious that the author may not listen to feedback as he gets upset whenever constructive criticism is posted. Not only that, this is just one of all the characters he's made. Just look at a release of one of his characters on MFFA after seeing the one on this character. You won't regret it. 😉


There aren't any.


I'll just go ahead and copy feedback from someone on MFFA with short versions by me and some minor edits.

  • Missing important 5000 sprites, making Hiroshi completely invisible in some hit animations, and in all grabs that use the throw anim.
  • Bagurasshu can be used on infinite repeat till' the opponent is KO'ed.
  • A lot of hurtboxes are pathetically small, only covering 40% of his body, and some are STILL copied and pasted from Kung Fu Man.
  • No running states. Trying to run will cause debug flood.
  • No sprites are even using Palette 1,1 they are scattered everywhere, making the SFF a complete disaster.

Also... the icon is a really awful resize, and looks pretty horrid.


I considered doing a patch to fix a few of these issues until the author's response to the feedback on MFFA. So I just suggest staying away from this guy's stuff. It also proves what I've been telling myself: Kids should never touch MUGEN.

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