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Status Updates posted by トゥイニー1998

  1. Let's play the All Grown Up Quiz together, I hope you like it!!

  2. Here's my drawing of Phil from AGU to cheer you guys up - Have a nice day!! - See you Next Year!!


  3. Look guys, let me get this straight for you before say anything:

    What I meant was that 13 year olds should not do or draw NSFW Until they are 18 years old and above. I'm currently 25 years old and I'm a legal adult, but never produce NSFW stuff for safety and religious reasons, due to those issues I've highlighted. And yeas, I have seen many 13 year olds getting into yaoi and yuri stuff without the 18+ stuff - but h***ai MUGEN in general should not be targeted towards minors. This Tommy Pickles character was intended to troll OmegaPanda, because she kept doing NSFW and fetish content at an early age of 13 which pissed me of so much to the point that I immediately gave her, her own taste of medicine. Many of those are clearly 13-16 year olds doing a lot of fetish and rule 34 MUGEN Content yet this is STILL Happening - These people are clearly underaged and it can damage their mentality - I had been exposed and damaged like this at 14-15 years old thanks to these kinds of rule 34 stuff popping up on the Google Search while printing out the Incredibles and One Piece pictures back at school in 2014 - I felt rather terrible because of that! TheRealYawshi was absolutely right about minors doing NSFW stuff and I hope you have understood this. And I've learned my lesson - But despite this I never produce fetish art stuff like this in real life (I disliked those so much), thank God and my parents for that, bless them!

    - Guys, I'm very sorry for this Tommy incident earlier ago.

    So guys, I hope you have understood this note and have a great Christmas Holiday, see you next year!

  4. Look guys, let me get this straight for you before say anything:

    What I meant was that 13 year olds should not do or draw NSFW Until they are 18 years old and above. I'm currently 25 years old and I'm a legal adult, but never produce NSFW stuff for safety and religious reasons, due to those issues I've highlighted. And yeas, I have seen many 13 year olds getting into yaoi and yuri stuff without the 18+ stuff - but h***ai MUGEN in general should not be targeted towards minors. This Tommy Pickles character was intended to troll OmegaPanda, because she kept doing NSFW and fetish content at an early age of 13 which pissed me of so much to the point that I immediately gave her, her own taste of medicine. Many of those are clearly 13-16 year olds doing a lot of fetish and rule 34 MUGEN Content yet this is STILL Happening - These people are clearly underaged and it can damage their mentality - I had been exposed and damaged like this at 14-15 years old thanks to these kinds of rule 34 stuff popping up on the Google Search while printing out the Incredibles and One Piece pictures back at school in 2014 - I felt rather terrible because of that! TheRealYawshi was absolutely right about minors doing NSFW stuff and I hope you have understood this. 

    - But despite this I never produce fetish art stuff like this in real life (I disliked those so much), thank God and my parents for that, bless them!

    - Guys, I'm very sorry for this Tommy Pickles incident earlier ago.

    So guys, I hope you have understood this note and have a great Christmas Holiday, see you next year!

  5. This Tommy Pickles character was intended for trolling. Not to hate someone, I have seen many people being idiots these days, again I do apologise for what I've done. Please forgive me.

  6. I'm honestly sick and tired of 13-16 year olds doing fetish and rule 34 MUGEN Content yet this is STILL Happening - These people are clearly underaged and it can damage their mentality - I had been exposed and damaged like this at 14-15 years old thanks to these kinds of rule 34 stuff popping up on the Google Search while printing out the Incredibles and One Piece pictures back at school in 2014 - I felt rather terrible because of that!

    - But despite this I never produce fetish art stuff like this in real life, thank God and my parents for that, bless them!

  7.  I'm really not bothered to 18+ edits anyway, It's simply destroying my mental health.

  8. Here you go, Kem, here's some of the 18+ Sprites of Phil, and Don't Forget to use the 18+ Tommy Yaoi Character as a base, in the link here.

    PHILNSFW.zip TommyNSFW.zip

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheRealYawshi


      Just don't be posting that stuff of underaged characters uncensored/without 18+ flair, then we are good. 

    3. shaojkahn


      how uhhh sweet.... i like it

    4. トゥイニー1998


      Thank you, I understand - I won't be doing this stuff like that again. I Promise.

  9. I'll be sending you the NSFW sprites of Phil Deville from All Grown Up for you to make NSFW All Grown Up Characters as soon as I have time, I'm really not bothered to 18+ edits anyway, It's simply destroying mental health.

  10. NOTE: This version of Tommy is in fact a Joke character to make fun of Rule 34 really - I'm also making a regular Tommy Pickles without the 18+ stuff as intended.

  11. Here's the NSFW Tommy Pickles sprites if you want an 18+ Tommy Pickles btw.


  12. Current W.I.P: Phil Deville (18+ Version - Vore Only, May have Nsfw Compatibility for it).

  13. I'm back after a long break and I'll be working on All Grown Up's Tommy Pickles for MUGEN, two versions one regular one that fights and the other one being 18+ without trousers with a bit of 18+ compatibility, just his underwear only.

  14. While I won't be bothered with 18+ edits - I can focus on regular characters instead.

  15. Maybe I'm back to creating 18+ edits in MUGEN of some sort...


    I'd regret to say this but I'll be leaving AK1 MUGEN because of the ongoing issues surrounding NSFW 18+ edits and It's nearly damaging my mental health because of the 18+ side which I nearly couldn't cope myself (Due to me having learning difficulties and family issues where I'm living with my parents most of the time over the past couple of weeks since July as well). But don't worry I'll focus on the non 18+ side of MUGEN where I'll create my own SFW Chars and other stuff that's MUGEN Related as well. But as of now I'll retire from the 18+ side of MUGEN (Not actually gonna fully retire from MUGEN Unless so) , and focus on the SFW MUGEN Stuff instead, it's so much better than the NSFW side. Thank you for listening. 


    P.S. BTW I'll be more active on MUGEN Archive instead.


    I'd regret to say this but I'll be leaving AK1 MUGEN because of the ongoing issues surrounding NSFW 18+ edits and It's nearly damaging my mental health because of the 18+ side which I nearly couldn't cope myself (Due to me having learning difficulties and family issues where I'm living with my parents most of the time over the past couple of weeks since July as well). But don't worry I'll focus on the non 18+ side of MUGEN where I'll create my own SFW Chars and other stuff that's MUGEN Related as well. But as of now I'll retire from the 18+ side of MUGEN (Not actually gonna fully retire from MUGEN Unless so) , and focus on the SFW MUGEN Stuff instead, it's so much better than the NSFW side. Thank you for listening.


    P.S. BTW I'll be more active on MUGEN Archive instead.

    1. Smoke Choked

      Smoke Choked

      While I regret to inform you that 18+ is so much more hated on the Archive, and that the Archive just isn't worth using at all...I do wish you the best on your future endeavors, and the better for your mental health. Farewell, old friend.

    2. トゥイニー1998


      I'm more active on MUGEN Archive, but I only upload non-18+/SFW Stuff only. Other than that, MA is still okay for me since I'm already used to it already since I'm very lucky. Farewell my pal..


    I'd regret to say this but I'll be leaving AK1 MUGEN because of the ongoing issues surrounding NSFW 18+ edits and It's nearly damaging my mental health because of the 18+ side which I nearly couldn't cope myself (Due to me having learning difficulties and family issues where I'm living with my parents most of the time over the past couple of weeks since July as well). But don't worry I'll focus on the non 18+ side of MUGEN where I'll create my own SFW Chars and other stuff that's MUGEN Related as well. But as of now I'll retire from the 18+ side of MUGEN (Not actually gonna fully retire from MUGEN Unless so) , and focus on the SFW MUGEN Stuff instead, it's so much better than the NSFW side. Thank you for listening.


    P.S. BTW I'll be more active on MUGEN Archive instead.


    I'd regret to say this but I'll be leaving AK1 MUGEN because of the ongoing issues surrounding NSFW 18+ edits and It's nearly damaging my mental health because of the 18+ side which I nearly couldn't cope myself (Due to me having learning difficulties and family issues where I'm living with my parents most of the time over the past couple of weeks since July as well). But don't worry I'll focus on the non 18+ side of MUGEN where I'll create my own SFW Chars and other stuff that's MUGEN Related as well. But as of now I'll retire from the 18+ side of MUGEN (Not actually gonna fully retire from MUGEN Unless so) , and focus on the SFW MUGEN Stuff instead, it's so much better than the NSFW side. Thank you for listening.


    P.S. BTW I'll be more active on MUGEN Archive instead.

  20. I'm making a Vore Character involving Charlotte Katakuri from One Piece where he uses the vore launch move.

  21. Before you say anything here's a note about the Generic Yoshi Vore edits flooding in MUGEN Archive:

    I wouldn't mind vore edits, But why does it have to be the Yoshi edits (like Crusher15, Tina, Gum, Spike and Dewian)? I really don't like that, think of something original and better (Like MrPr1993's Carlesha for example) or an existing character for a vore edit rather than the Yoshi edits. They're literally everywhere, with just duplicate files from MUGEN Archive, that's it really. Same thing applies to Pokémon vore edits too. 

    1. King_Dewian


      I made Dewian and I'm appalled that you said my character is a duplicate. Yes, I took assets from the yoshi vore character. No, I didn't copy paste everything and just have the colors and name changed.

      If your eyes worked, you would see that he's larger than all the others, doesn't have egg moves, is a 6 button fighter instead of a 4 button fighter, newly created specials, my IRL voice for the character voice, and plently of mpdified sprites and animations. I tried super hard to differentiate from the usual yoshi vore clones, so to say that I merely made a duplicate is incorrect.

      I used the yoshi vore character as a start to making nsfw characters. He is still the only nsfw character I've released. Not only because I'm still a little new to coding the stuff, but also because I had a baseline for what to work with when making the character.

      I always appreciate critisism and would love some from you instead of you bashing the character.

    2. トゥイニー1998


      OK. But thanks anyways.

    3. Volumixen


      I agree, you don't get to claim someone "made a clone" when Dewian is by and far the only "Yoshi" that has NSFW (aside from Spike, who at one point had a CV command but that has since vanished from everywhere that it was, to my knowledge) and has been made macro. I hate to see this sort of thing, especiallys ince it seems you aren't really "original" yourself.

  22. I'm making two versions of Katakuri for MUGEN one without Vore and One with Vore as well.

  23. Any char suggestions?

    1. Neopolitan17


      yes a sailor mars vore

    2. トゥイニー1998


      And Carlesha by MrPr1993 too! She has a vore move too!

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