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File Reviews posted by TheDimensionalShambler

  1. Siegfried

       328    0

    The guy might have hideous sprites but I don't think he plays bad at all. I don't think every one of his moves needs an EX version though since many of them are variations of each other.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Asuka Kazama

       432    0

    It's a chuchoryu character. Good job on the sprites but always incomplete with the readme listing moves that the either don't work or don't exist. Shame because it's always a character I like.

  3. Fat Bulma

       135    1

    More animated than she appears and has at least decent-enough AI to put up a fight on an easy setting. Obviously a joke character since she can fight pretty well despite sitting on her fat ass the whole time and uses various ki attacks (which I assume are wishes from the Dragon Balls) and can teleport. Overall, surprisingly decent and better than most of MUGEN's trash but she's no quality character.

  4. It has potential to play like a decent Hyper Dimension character but is incomplete like most of Chuchoryu's works. Might want to edit the.def file before trying because the coding folder doesn't exist and will crash MUGEN.

  5. Bowsette

       315    0

    Beautiful 3D model but terrible character (even as a boss). All her sounds are Bowser's (I think) with distorted female voice when she wins, and her moves are terribly animated and effects not properly aligned. I mean, she breathes fire through her breasts (which is kinda sexy, I admit)! She's a bit aggressive and does much damage but is beatable at the very least.

  6. Daisy

       415    0

    She's a rather fun fighter with moves similar to other characters and lots of Super Mario Land references. Oh and she reminds you for the 1,000,000,000,000,000th time that her name is Daisy.

  7. Vergil

       1,448    0

    Plays more like his DMC3 self than his MvC3 self. Sprites are done pretty well for hand-drawn (or sprite editing, if that's likely the case) and uses both the Yamato and Beowulf fighting styles (A/B and X/Y respectively). Playstyle mirrors that of DMC3 but still uses special and super move inputs like SNK fighting games. Only issue I have is that you can't chain Yamato and Beowulf moves very well.

    • Upvote 1
  8. GotenksZ2

       236    0

    Best Gotenks ever for Mugen. In a matter of fact, Balthazar's Dragon Ball characters are all great. None of them play the same (even Super Saiyan Goku is different enough from base Goku and Gohan) and they don't stick so close to the source material to where they lift entire scenes from the anime (i.e. Budokai Tenkaichi) and actually give them different moves. Not sure who voices this Gotenks but he's got the best dub voice for the character. Definitely a must download for the fans.

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