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Everything posted by DuckyBoi

  1. He looks pretty good, just figuring out how to shut off his auto AI
  2. Okay returned to it and found out that the sprites pretty cleanly convert over to mugen 1.0 and that fixed the opengl problem. He's pretty fun to use
  3. Just an fyi, if you wanna turn off his ai, go to his cmd, and find this: [State -2: VarSet];■AI+コンボ設定(combo)■ type = Varadd triggerall=!ishelper triggerall = var(59)=0 triggerall= helper(218),fvar(3)>=3||1 triggerall=(RoundState =2) trigger1 = (alive && ctrl)||var(59)>0 v = 59 value = 1 ;(ここを1以上にするとAIが入ります+コンボ設定。0~3) Set that value at the bottom to 0 instead of 1. 😆
  4. Oh man I found this myself already so long ago. I actually posted it on the site myself. I appreciate the effort, even if it took a sec.
  5. View File Mui Goku Z2i Authors I saw credited: Team Z2 && Axellord, Faber Player A fun addition to your roster, been trying to get this guy for a long time and now that I have it I'm putting a link here so it's more accessible. Submitter DuckyBoi Submitted 05/07/2023 Category Dragon Ball Z  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Authors I saw credited: Team Z2 && Axellord, Faber Player A fun addition to your roster, been trying to get this guy for a long time and now that I have it I'm putting a link here so it's more accessible.
  7. What is the command to do his astral finish tho? Been trying to figure it out for the longest
  8. Bumping this topic again, it would be nice to see this character on the site.
  9. Video to clarify what character I'm talking about: Can't seem to find a working link. If anyone has this character, I'd appreciate a link here.
  10. DuckyBoi


    The sprite isn't included in the link.
  11. To follow up on my original comment, right after I posted it, I played with her some more and found like 10 other super attacks. So disregard "barebones moveset", she is actually quite fun. I meant to do this like wayyyy earlier but was too lazy lol.
  12. I've only been able to find this link https://mugenarchive.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=154968-ui-goku-z2i-team-z2-axellord-faber-player and I can't use it since my account has been stuck waiting for approval for over a year(not expecting that to change anytime soon). If anyone could upload it here that would be great.
    Amazing character! Small size so it doesn't take up too much space on my device, cool looking sprites, easy to execute super attacks, and really fun basics and specials. Don't see anything too wrong with him. Great for a character so small.
  13. I had to tweak her damage numbers so she wasn't oneshotting everything (0-o) and I also had to edit her so she actually was compatible with mugen 1.0 since the version you posted only works for mugen 1.1 as is due to the 1.1 exclusive camerapos trigger and the invalid postype. After those changes she's definitely a fierce fighter, her moveset is quite barebones but not the worst I've ever seen by a long shot.
  14. Maybe I shouldn't ask you specifically, but I would like a 1.0 patch that doesn't look like a mess. If one exists I'd like a link
  15. From what I've seen of the sprite, it looks pretty cool. It's just that I can't get it to run on my mugen(I use 1.0), since the sprite is 1.1. Anyway you could patch it up for 1.0? I tried converting the sprite but then the sprite gets all yucky lookin.
    This character is sweet, wish I new how to do even one of his fatalities
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