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Posts posted by yoonbin16

  1. My Mugen Alpha X Roster 1.0 Ver 2 w/ 1000+ chars (FILLED WITH CHEAPIES) (DOWNLOAD)

    So this is basically the 1.0 version of this version of mugen alpha x which is the winmugen ver. EXCEPT 

    This has less than the usual slots because the alpha x mugen for winmugen, had a messed up select.def and such. other than that, it is also just packed with CHEAPIES and that's why it's called ver.2 but yeah as per usual 1000+ chars, and I think 80 stages (I really didn't care fr this time lmao)

    Link to get it is by downloading it on the right




  2. Win_Mugen 1.0 w/ 1704+ Chars

    I decided to keep these simple because you guys get the routine now. mugen has 1704+ chars as for the stages, I really didn't care to count if we being fr. if you like winmugen but you like 1.0 this is for you. more info in the description.

    Link to get this game is by clicking the download button on the right :D 




  3. 1 hour ago, Toby said:

    Hello? I'm looking for somebody to edit a couple of characters for me ... the most I can pay is ten dollars 🙂 thanks susan. I'm looking to add some new moves to a character. And work on her AI. She has some new moves already that I paied for She just won't perform them all that much maybe 1% chance you might see her do one if them. Inbox me for my discord or more info.

    Not to be that person but I feel like you should've put this under mugen topics or the request section of the site because this category is for chars for download

  4. So, as of recently I was thinking of copping some mugen merch. but, I couldn't really find any?? I saw a store option on this site but it was blank. so does anyone know where I can actually get mugen merchandise especially as someone who's been a fan of this franchise for a decade now? lol the reason why I ask is cuz I always love having merch of the things I love for example I have some BTS merch, some genshin impact merch, WWE merch, etc...

  5. 1 hour ago, yoonbin16 said:

    I heard some of the people in my community love the music I added unto my mugens so I thought to make this poll.

    I'm new to making polls on here so if this looks like it's repeating itself I apologize lmao either way, if you guys vote yes I'll do it, if you vote maybe I might just consider it and no it's obviously I won't do it lol

  6. -Omaserichi-

    I was going to put OP's note but it's too long to sum it up this pretty powerful donald edit is made by the only Omaserichi! and the crazy thing is I know this dude lol he has amazing cheapies especially based around his roblox char, I am friends with him on discord and he always showcases his creations and they never fail to impress. he also has a YouTube channel called: https://www.youtube.com/@Omasuchi/

    If I was you guys I recommend checking them out. this donald edit is pretty strong and very cheap.


  7. DJ Lain Mugen Winmugen Roster w/ 400+ chars (DOWNLOAD)


    Another winmugen roster, ain't that something? this time it's serial experiments lain themed pretty neat right? not much to say but that this was a bonus mugen on my TO-DO list because I saw it as a pretty cool SP and I was surprised when I put this up on the SP polls no one voted for it so that's another reason too. 

    Either way....

    As per usual, filled with pretty old chars I had lying around along with a few winmugen only cheapies. enjoy! (more info on this mugen is in the desc) 

    Link to get it is here  or click on the download button on the right and it instantly downloads it :D 




  8. My IMT(Blue) 1.0 Roster REMAKE

    Hi, I bet if you were in my discord you were expecting but for those who weren't yes IMT (blue) is back again.

    The reason why I re-made this is quite simple (I go in depth in the description) I'll sum it up here basically when I FIRST made my IMT (blue) roster it went out great until people had issues downloading certain parts of it because it was in many parts particularly 30 parts I know crazy but this was during the time, where I had to rely on MULTIPLE mediafire accounts to make it happen. while, the user on YouTube of https://www.youtube.com/@mugengames managed to get the entire game and preserve for me. 

    BUT, this time since I have more better resources I decided to still do a remake for current times and for those who weren't able to get the game before and gave up on it entirely. I think the roster for this one is definitely more POLISHED and organized and the music for this is AMAZING. SOOOOO, yeah I think this remake worth the get.

    You can get it here  or download it on the right side of this post.

    Preview Of Said Mugen is Here: 



  9. EVE Battle Winmugen Roster OVER, 3,000+ CHEAPIES & RARE chars (3k Cheapie Mugen Project!)

    Not much to say but the PROJECT IS FINALLY DONE~ 

    With the cheapies and rare chars I had saved and searched for eternity it finally made this mugen. now, I will say this now this surpasses every winmugen cheapie roster I have on my channel! I also recommend heeding to the description on the video for if we are being fr this mugen is a bit HAZARADOUS. so keep that in mind :D

    If you guys want, you can still get part 1 here: 




  10. Original EVE Mugen 1.0 w/ 4000+ Chars! (SLIGHT Remake Of EVE Mugen All Stars)

    - Ain't this something? 

    So, I am just going to say what I stated in my desc of my video for that goes into much better detail on this mugen. 

    So, as you can tell I decided to do a slight remake of EVE Mugen All Stars the very game that kick started this whole journey off. that mugen that at this point the entire community knows and remembers and, I decided that it deserves a well deserved re-make that fits the current times and to further continue it's legacy for only one time. also, before you begin here's a reason why I actually doing this remake:

    • ┊i. It's because when I first did this I went thru a lot of gymnastics keeping this up.
    • ┊ii. The first one is in parts and the link to the entire game basically is dead.
    • ┊iii. I want to be able to make a version that just simply fits the times now

    and last but not least...

    • ┊iv. This is just for fun. this version is more accessible for it will be in via parts ONLY as backup and the mugen will have the entire game downloadable

    - BUT, I am not going to lie to you there's a reason why I call it SLIGHT. I know I speak of it highly but in my perspective it's not that really great of a remake because, there's many gaps. and to make it worse I don't know what's up with yknow eve when it comes to being converted because if I try to fix the gaps I can't the names of the chars do not come up.  :/ so yeah there's that....

    This has 4000+ chars (5,081 to be exact) just like the first one, except it uses the original EVE. that's pretty much about it, it has more stages (400+ stages) than the other one that's for sure. BUT, if you guys still digging this remake, think it's pretty OK then you can get it here but if you prefer the old one which I don't blame you, you're free to go on my channel for that one . nonethless....

    Here's a preview: 

    Note: If you prefer to download it in parts via mediafire links you can go to the description of my video or follow the order here (for the download link only contains the entire game but via google drive link): PART 1, PART 2, PART 3 & PART 4 (remember, clicking on any one of this links leads to it being INSTANTLY downloaded so keep that in mind)


  11. Mugen Clash Of All Stars 1.0 Screenpack 4000+ Slots

    Hi, now this is interesting isn't it.

    I know some of you are wondering where I even found this and it's quite the interesting story. if you are in my discord then you already know what I mean but if you aren't...

    So I had some people aka subscribers and overall, curious people in the mugen community who stumbled upon my mugen all stars roster that I made I think officially 3-4 years ago asking for the screenpack for it. at the time, the screenpack WAS available from where I originally got it from and that was from MFFA and that person who made this screenpack (well edit of eve screenpack) was named Mugen-Toon-X and this was the post for said screenpack: https://mugenfreeforall.com/topic/34974-mugen-clash-of-all-stars/ 

    That's where I originally got the screenpack, BUT if you try to get the screenpack from the direct source now, it will say that it's no longer available and I told many people this a long time ago but since the mugen stays in relevancy to this day... people are still curious about the screenpack therefore I began to become curious myself thinking oh shit what if it's LOST MEDIA? but before deciding that I decided to do a little googling to see if I was certain or not if it was or just was uploaded elsewhere and well....

    I wouldn't be posting this right now if I didn't find it now would I? lol, so apparently a user on YouTube by the name of Manic Mugenverse actually had re-uploaded this screenpack on his channel and I think put maybe 3 chars on there? as shown on the video. but other than, that I am certain when you download it, it comes with 3 chars and that's about it just as a starter. so enough of the blabber it is official that the screenpack for the mugen that started it all is still around and here:

    Link to screenpack is here 

    Back up link made by me for the screenpack is here and ANOTHER backup link here

    I know it's extra to make up two backup links but, considering this mugen is what started it all for me and really the community and seeing people actively showcase their love for this screenpack and my roster in general was great and I know this felt worth perserving! enjoy everyone~ 

    Here's a preview of my roster for old time's sake! 



  12. Mugen1_Coruscation w/ 1131 chars (Cheapie Edition)

    - So, I had to come in on the mugen coruscation ride and make a roster for you guys with this screenpack but make it filled with cheapies. if you didn't know many people did use the mugen coruscation screenpack for their winmugen character showcases and such so I decided to just make one except make it available for you all.

    Either way, I will say this before we proceed any further, and that is shout-out to @Ismael The Epic if this dude hadn't converted this screenpack that was 1.1 into 1.0 I would've never been able to deliver this amazing roster to you all. the edit is by Oldgamer but he made it 1.1 while Ismael made it 1.0! SO please, if you guys HAVE the time check out his content he is known for conversions and other amazing stuff. Enough of that, let's get on how you can get the mugen:

    This mugen has both options on how you can get it, it's a new thing I decided to develop with each mugen now and that is, there will be an option to get the entire game via google drive and the backup options of getting the game will be via parts via mediafire. so, let me just put that all for you.

    1. The full game link available when you click on the download button on the right.

    so, 2. this means this is the part of the post where now I share you guys the backup option:  part 1, part 2, and part 3




  13. My UM²C 2011 Mugen 1.0 Roster (REMAKE) w/ over 2,000+ chars

    Not much to say but that, it's a remake of this mugen (it was well needed trust me): 

    With more chars and overall, just more stages to it as well. I am not very proud of it but I am proud of how almost perfect this mugen is ngl, I explain more in the description. either way, enough of the blabber I am going to say it now. this is in 4 parts. you can get it here:

    Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4

    Note: when you click on any of the parts it downloads automatically btw. parts are the same when you click on the download button on the right.




  14. Mugen1_Coruscation 1311 slots 1.0 (converted by Ismael The Epic)

    I had permission to do this so it's no problem. but basically, this is the 1.0 version of the mugen_coruscation edit made by Oldgamer. when I tried oldgamer's version it was unfortunately mugen 1.1 and I ran into issues, @Ismael The Epic saved another project of mine again by converting this to 1.0 I am uploading this to not only shout him out but if people preferred this was converted to 1.0 as well here it is. because I actually did complete the 1.1 version but ofc we all know 1.1 has issues and I ran into them and was not happy about it lol. 1.0 of this mugen is superior I ran into NO issues with this the conversion for this was a success.


  15. You got that right, this mugen is FINALLY complete and I couldn't have done it without the support of my community!

    Also some extra good news before I get into this, someone pitched in on my discord to help pay for a 1TB pro plan for Mediafire! after all those years, someone finally pitched in to help me in regards of this mugens and I've been so gleeful this mugen will officially be the last mugen depending on google drive. 

    Enough of that let's get to the mugen. as you guys see here it is finally complete!

    It was no easy fleet! but we are here we did it. this mugen is around 322GB but that's decompressed, compressed it is 169 GB. this mugen is VERY HEFTY. I wouldn't recommend this for the potato PC users. the steps to get this one has changed so pay attention:

    ↳ IF you already have this mugen from either part 1 or part 2:
    All you need to do is download the chars here

    Then, download the data folder (aka where the updated select.def is) here


    ↳ IF you are new, or waited for the mugen to be finished and didn't have either part 1 or 2:
    Just download the complete game here by doing this, getting the chars here and getting the game folder (aka the data, fonts, stages, etc..) here

    ⇢ That is all...thank you all for your support and patience for this successful mugen project! 




  16. This was an old mugen I made on behalf of a user/subscriber named blocky10 I wasn't sure if I posted this here before. but, this mugen is a unique case because this mugen has around 400+ chars, and this was actually edited by Block10 himself. I did the request, and he decided to edit and fix some issues he saw with the mugen so what you are seeing is the one he edited. 

    ✰ ┊ I will be ofc linking both his version and mine so if you're curious on seeing the difference and wanting to have both if you want you can get them here:

    Blocky10's version

    My version

    That is all, 



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