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Altair (Includes AI Patched version)


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Altair (Includes AI Patched version)

altair by JackSweg (me)
my youtube: www.youtube.com/JackSweg
x y z sword
a b kicks
c roll forward or backward depending on whether you press forward c or back c

x y z a b
x y z a B, BF,F x or y or z
x z D, DF, F a or b

try combining as much as u can

reversal: (while blocking) press c
note: if opponent health is low and you do the reversal, a cutscene will play

slide sword: B, BF, F x or y or z

kick combo: D, DF, F a or b

al mualim help: D, DB, B, D, DB, B, c

assassinate: B, F, c

special thanks to:
Choujin because I copied the teleport code from him
Balthazar and Cybaster because I copied some code for basic attacks
Rasgar for posting the sprites on spritedatabase or spritersresource, i cant remember
Ubisoft because I ripped altair's sounds from assassin's creed 1
that is all.

I thought of making his attacks more based on the game by changing his gameplay style but
that remains to be seen depending on the feedback I get. If you find bugs comment on any
of my youtube videos and I'll see what I can do.

the Altair 1.0 def file also works for winmugen, though it's fair to warn you
playing on mugen 1.0 and winmugen will mess up the epic cutscenes that i put
into this character so i recommend you just download mugen 1.1 and experience
altair to his fullest potential.



AI patch update.

This character sure is something, especially as being one of the only Assassin's Creed character that is somewhat decent.

Kick Combo is by far the most broken move in his arsenal, as he can be comboed into his sword normals, leading to infinites.
It can even be chained into itself, but requires some timing.

Counter works againt projectiles and helpers, and the low health version plays the cutscene even if it misses the opponent.

Speaking of cutscenes, the one played for the low health counter have transparency issues. For comparaison, the Assassinate one works well, even if both are very choppy.

Al Mulaim Super is nearly usless, having an insanely long startup time, giving the opponent plenty of time to block.

Assassinate command is somewhat wrong. It is D,DB,D,F,x, not B,F,c.
Most moves can be comboed into the Assassinate Hyper. As it deals 500 damage, the opponent with low enough health is in death range if he is comboed.

Well, that's all. This AI patched version make him use of most of his combos while being somewhat fair, as well for being a source of entertainement against AI opponents.

Unfortunately, it's AI activation makes the character 1.X only.

Still, thanks for the character!

(Version updates)

(July 31th 2021)


First released version


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