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Green Beret

Green Beret, by HelloMyNameIsAAA

(What is this ?)

The main character from the classic NES game Rush'n Attack, considered as a precursor to Contra.
His goal is to save the world by destroying a ''Super Weapon'' by knifing russian militias and using weapons against them.
This character is one of the most experimental one I ever made, and had mechanics that I never done before, here's a simple rundown on how he works.

- He have free roaming, meaning he doesn't turn automatically when behind the opponent or running backwards.
- He have invincibility frames when hurt, and also get some after getting out of hurt states. He cannot block and only have 750 health however.
- He cannot be grabbed, but can be custom stated.
- He only starts with the Knife. Hitting opponents with it had a chance to drop powerups. Getting them allows him to use weapons. Here's the list.

Grenades (Drop: 3) (Max: 5)
Mines (Drop: 2)  (Max: 3)
Pistol (Drop: 5) (Max: 10)
Bazooka (Drop: 3) (Max: 5)
Smart Bomb (Drop: 1) (Max : 1)
Invincibility (On Get: Lasts for 6 seconds)

- Smart Bomb disallow powerup as long as the attack lasts.
- Received weapons persists between rounds.
- Winning intro allows him to get powerups he came across.


A: Knife
B: Grenade
😄 Drop a Mine
X: Pistol
Z: Bazooka
Y: Smart Bomb

(Version updates)

November 2nd 2022:
- First released version

(Special Thanks)

Firejoker34, for the spritesheet and the Mine sprites.
Brergrsart, massive AI debugging.
You !



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