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MUGEN Battle Extreme [FLEX][Monster] Roster by XDEATHWING SILENCEX (Download) (Part 1)

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MUGEN Battle Extreme [FLEX][Monster] Roster by XDEATHWING SILENCEX (Download) (Part 1)

Hi, I bet you're all familiar with this mugen so here's some info about this mugen, this mugen actually was released as a full game before but partially filled and the homie RAMON GARCIA has posted about it before on this link here:

 BUT, everyone voted that I do it and actually complete it as you can see months ago, and it was added onto the mugen to-do list. not going to lie to you, this mugen was actually hard to even try to complete and it makes sense why it wasn't completed lmao, the randomselects weren't normal they were like: "randomselect;013" and it made it somewhat hard I actually DID manage to complete this but the roster was severely mis-aligned and I had to start over, I started over good and then for some reason the roster was mis-aligned to the left as you can see in the video. I did double check and counted correctly each slot to add chars for accuracy and it just turns out like this either way therefore showing another major reason why this wasn't completed lol this SP is unfortunately really flawed in terms of adding chars but in terms of design, gameplay, etc.. it's really good and I wouldn't let a mis-aligned roster stop you from enjoying this mugen. this screenpack is made by brow777 and AXE and the thing I would definitely like to let you guys know in regards of this mugen is that...

This has some RARE mugen chars and if it's not considered rare to some or even most to you, I mean rare as in chars from rare mugen games from like the years 2010-2015 and such. like there's all the chars from Capcom Fighting Evolution mugen and either way.. please keep in mind like I stated earlier in this desc that this mugen was ALREADY completed but it was misaligned so you'll have the mugen will ALL the chars but it will not match up with what's in the game. I asked people in my discord server if they rather wait until it's completed or if I should release a part 1 and ofc the 1st option wins so you see the mugen here. if you want to complete the mugen yourself you can, but if you want to get this part 1 and don't mind all the chars not showing up and only partial of them and wait for me to complete it then that's fine as well. when the mugen is completed I'll provide a link to the select.def and updated folder of the stages instead of the whole mugen again. 

That being said preview to the mugen is here (note: everything I said here is also in the description of the video) 


Download it here or click the download button on the right side of this post.


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