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Eldin Bridge

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About This File

An stage from The Legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess & Super Smash Bros Brawl.

The stage splits all notable background and foreground elements into separate graphics so as to incorporate the use of deltas, which give it a minor 3D effect when the camera scrolls horizontally; the stage also incorporates the use of parallax on the stage floor to further enhance the 3D effect, though it is only really noticeable when looking at the cracked sections. Aside from the splitting of elements into separate graphics naturally giving each one their own palette, the stage's creator has made attempts to reduce colour loss by applying the RGB method to the graphic that's furthest in the background, so as to bypass the 256 colour limit per sprite limitation; that being said, the stage's colour loss hasn't been completely mitigated, as there's a prominent patch of it on the left cliff.


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