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Shotoclown 1.0.0

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About This File

--Brergrsart EhEhh--

Joke Cheap Ryu variant. Not really something like Rare Akuma (except for the attacks), but pretty much something as powerful as OG Ronald but more chaotic and unpredictable.

If you want to win, use this Zoning/Rushdown beast and bet the enemy wont block too much.

Tip: If you're being comboed just go Y+B and the enemy will be stunned almost no matter what for exactly 1 SECOND.

Edited by General Dorito

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On 8/5/2020 at 5:45 PM, Mashtyx said:

what's the difference between the one made by pots and this?

this ryu is not accurate to any game, and has many joke attacks. like his hadoukens can fire a pokemon that spams bubbles, hadouken that goes in reverse, and hadouken that bounces of him and the enemy,  other attacks like being able to summon 6 clones of himself at once, riding a hoverboard, using mario from the cartoon as a counter, turning into akuma and getting thrown by rugal, and firing a pistol. some anime girl and skullgirls character also appear, but they are not attacks. also very loud and poweful

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13 hours ago, givenagain said:

this ryu is not accurate to any game, and has many joke attacks. like his hadoukens can fire a pokemon that spams bubbles, hadouken that goes in reverse, and hadouken that bounces of him and the enemy,  other attacks like being able to summon 6 clones of himself at once, riding a hoverboard, using mario from the cartoon as a counter, turning into akuma and getting thrown by rugal, and firing a pistol. some anime girl and skullgirls character also appear, but they are not attacks. also very loud and poweful

so mario is actually a counter instead of a distration? lmao

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