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VAC? Sniper by HelloMyNameIsAAA + IDGCaptainUkraine

What the bloody heck is this thing ?

VAC? Sniper is a joke, broken character that basically make fun of Team Fortress 2's recent misfortunes. While it mostly focused on the aimbot problem that plagued
the game for a long time, recent events have turned the game into more of a mess than it already is. The Crate Depression, the appearance of bots with the sole purpose
of lagging and crashing servers, and the Source Code Leak all happened within the span of less than a year, and that is combined with the game's lack of a major update since
Jungle Inferno. While many panicked, other responded with hilarious memes, and this is quite the point of this character, and Team Fortress 2 is still a beloved game
with a massive Internet culture.

Update Edit: Well, quite a few events happened on TF2 since VAC? Sniper got made, including one of the very few actions Valve made to combat the bots...and they are still a problem. Guess VAC? Sniper deserves a nice update after all,
Including references to some of the bots that spawned since then.

Update Edit 2: Somehow, this character stayed revelant 3 years after he got created, after like a literal social media movement including many popular TF2 influencers to get Valve to literally care about the game, and they got an official response...sort of.
Did that work ? The results are somewhat dissapointing at very least, and ''The Master Hacker'' stayed in.
Description and Movelist

VAC? Sniper is a parody of your usual aimbot character, complete with attempted votekicks, people in the chat being disgusted and leaving, spamming annoying voices, and shooting up invisible Spies
(represented by Segalow). Be careful, he have many unexpected tricks up his sleeves.

While he might be broken offensively, he cannot block and jump, have a painfully slow walk, and is low on health. Exploit those weakness to your advantages if you are fighting against him.

A; Shoot

Basically your basic aimbot attack. It is an unblockable fullscreen who deals 150 damage. It can only hit one opponent at a time so there is some grace there.

F,X: Teleport Forward
B,X: Teleport Backward

Exactly what they say on the thin. Teleporting have a cooldown when being used so it cannot be really abused.

B; 10x Jarate (Requires 500 power)
Throw a 10x Jarate. If it hit, it will coats the entire screen and every opponents in Jarate. Enemies coated in piss will received temporaily increased damege from VAC? Sniper.

C; 100 000th Visitor Message (Requires 1000 power)
Use your knowledge in RCE exploits thanks to the Source Code leak to summon a fan-favorite spam message.
It will spaz all around the screen. Up to two of them can appears at any given time.

Y; Great Wall (Require 500 power)
Summon a ''Great Wall'' who pushes opponents further from you.

D, DB, B, Z; Disconnection Problem (Requires 1000 power)
Use your integrated lagbot to freeze the game. After a while (One eternity later, apparently), it will dish out a fullscreen attack to the opponents.

D, DF, F, Z; Van (Requires 1000 power)
A random Spy will mock you and spawn a van who rams towards unsuspected opponents. It is very reminiscent of Omega Tiger Woods' Shrimp Bus Hyper.

B, F, Z; Glitched Unusuals (Requires 1000 power)
Uh ! Oh ! Crates become glitched to have a 100% Unusual spawn rate ! They will rain from the sky and destroy themselves into their new heavily deflated value.

D, DF, F, Y: Can You Quack? (Requires 1000 power)
A reference to the Can You Quack? bots, one of those at least nidly amusing bots that micspammed a vulgar song. Plastic ducks will appreas in a wavy fashion.

D, DB, B, Y: Sent to Wutville (Requires 1000 power)
VAC? Sniper will try to sent the opponent to the Wutville map, a Christmas map known for being low quality yet accepted by Valve.

F, B, Z; Tryhard Medic (Requires 1500 power)
VAC? Sniper will call in a Medic who wanted bragging right and help him, giving him healing and a full Uber.
This move was coded by IDGCaptainUkraine. Special thanks to him !

D, DB, B, D, DB, B, Y+Z: The End (Requires 3000 power and having less than 33% health)
The ultimate desperation move. Upon using it, every Helpers that VAC? Sniper spawned dissapears, except the Medic.
He also cannot use any moves outside of the Jarate, Wall, or Teleport. To allow some usage, VAC? will gain 1k power upon using that move.
A 5 seconds countdown will appears, if VAC? Sniper is failed to be killed, the absolute worst will happens.

S; Spray
Spray a picture on the wall. Currently defaults to the default Team Fortress 2 logo. There will be some instructions to add your own.

F or B, S: Noise Maker - Winter Holiday
A lot of recent bots have been known to use the Christmas themed noise maker, so VAC? Sniper is allowed to use it too.
Also a shotout to IDGCaptainRussia94 for helping me doing that taunt.

Instruction for adding your own sprays.

You can add your own sprays to VAC? Sniper. This isn't a very easy process and requires a few things.

- An image editor like GIMP.
- Fighter Factory.

1) Download a random picture on the Internet. (Bruh !)
2) Resize the picture to something reasonable.  200p on both sides is a suggested maximum. The option to resize the picture proportionally could be very useful.
3) Surround the picture with a blank rectangle around it, then fill it with a color of your choice.
This is your transparency color and it is very important. If you want to do so to a fully transparent picture, you can
simply fill the blank with this color.
4) Index the picture (On GIMP, go to Index, - Mode - Indexed) and make the transparency color as the very first one on the top left.
(Color - Map - Set Color Map on GIMP)
5) Save the picture as a .png.

If done right, the picture should look like those in the Example Sprays folder.

Now, open Fighter Factory (I use FF3) and do the following

1) Look up in Sprite and search for Group 1000,0
2) Replace the TF2 logo with the picture you have made. Click on the Red X on Group 1000,0 to delete it.
Then click on the white page with pcx opn it. Select the picture you have made and save it as Group 1000,0.
Make it centered by clicking on the centered blue X on Axis.

Congrats ! You have added a spray on VAC? Sniper. More things can be found by looking at spray.st.

Permission and shit...

This character is fully editable and can be put on warehouses. Feel free to do changes to the character or use its codes.

Special Rick May part

We all know this happened. The entire TF2 community felt very sad to his death and I do so. He bring voices to one of the most psychotic character in TF2, that got used in many many
GMOD and SFM videos. All I have to say is, thank you for voicing a legendary character in a legendary game. Happy that Valve and tha players acknowledge this, by putting statues of the Soldier
in official maps for the month of May and having players actually going as Soldiers, doing truces and paying homage to the voice actor around the statue.

Small disclaimer

Even if the character received updates, Rick May's death and tacobot.tf will never be referenced in this character.

Update logs

(April 2023)

Added holiday-themed update as a new intro.
Some small changes.

(March 2022)

Added Michael Jackson bot outro.
Changed IDGCaptainRussia93 to IDGCaptainUkraine due to ''unfortunate international events.''

(January 6 2022)

Fixed attack.dist and proj.attack.dist being 0.
Fixed some HitOverride not being set properly on the Jarate and the Unusual Hats.

(March 29 2021)

Fixed some audio in the outro being speed up.
Fixed grammar mistakes in The End Hyper.

(March 26 2021)

- Added the Can You Quack?, Sent to Wutville and The End Supers.
- Added a 25% change for VAC? Sniper of getting muted in the beginnig of every rounds after the first one.
- Added the Something Special For Someone Special.
- Added a cooldown on the Disconnection Problem Super after usage.
- Added the /id/raspy_on_osu outro.
- Added the ability for the sprays to change into the Missing Texture picture when VAC? Sniper is K.Oed.
- Lots of small fixes and changes.
- Updated the localization files.

A lot of fixes and small changes.

(May 21 2020)

General fixes update

- Fixed debug messages related to palettes on startup.
- Fixed Jarate whiffing when the opponent if up close.
- Fixed missing required sprites.
- Removed a duplicate hitspark when the opponent got hit by Jarate.
- Removed the power gain when the opponent got hit by unusual hats.
- Fixed the unusuals sometimes not properly displaying their hitsparks aka value.
- Fixed the sprays having a shadow.
- Made the ''Cheating in TF2 is not good behavior'' sounds when losing the match way more louder.

(May 2020)

First known release.

Special Thanks

GUMHOY, for general help and making the three clips outros as sprites.
IDGCaptainUkraine, for coding the Tryhard Medic move, the Noise Maker Taunt, and adding the Matrix like animation for the Teleports.
Erxos, for suggesting both the Jarate and the Wall move.
Lillie's 音MADs, for suggesting referencing The Crate Depression in this character.
Laurennntiu, for the R.I.P Causal Mode video Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfOQZ2nM15E
olzhas1one, for the micspam voices and a for few things related to this video. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEh4VsY4Ros
Lmaobox Project, for being a piece of shit who bring up hacks to TF2, but also for that dumb advertisement that is featured in VAC? Sniper. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDDqSWNACBQ
Mike Koenig, for the honk sound effect in the Van special. No changes are made besided making it louder. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Valve, for making a fantastic game despite all its problems being caused by bots.
Brergrsart, for the Yakuza gif.
You !





Edited by HelloMyNameIsAAA
ReadMe Update

What's New in Version 2.1.1


Fixed the Critical Hit!!! effect not having movetype = I

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

sniper be havin 47 seizures at once and being a great mugen character

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