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Smoke Choked

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File Comments posted by Smoke Choked

  1. G-Sonic

       298    4
    On 7/4/2021 at 10:09 AM, Sonicgaming2333 said:

    how do i transform into hyper mode?

    Either by mashing down Z for a long time, or by using the higher palettes.

  2. 2 minutes ago, GarfieldfanMUGEN said:

    Can't say much rn, but I'm copying the sprites from the shitty MvC one over to KFM (already renamed) and seeing which are perfectly fine and which things I need to edit.


  3. 2 minutes ago, GarfieldfanMUGEN said:

    Can't say much rn, but I'm copying the sprites from the shitty MvC one over to KFM (already renamed) and seeing which are perfectly fine and which things I need to edit.


  4. 3 minutes ago, GarfieldfanMUGEN said:

    Mayyybe if I finish Arle first.

    I'm currently seeing if I could do so if possible using the sprites provided, but she isn't off the table.

    How much do you have planned for this Ramona?

  5. 2 hours ago, GarfieldfanMUGEN said:

    Also, don't ask about the Ramona character. That was just made for the preview...


    ...or was it? I forgot.

    I would like to see this Ramona get made into a proper character!

  6. 3 minutes ago, GarfieldfanMUGEN said:

    The FNF equalivent of "Spider-Man Pointing at Spider-Man."

    Girlfriend: "Which one is the real Boyfriend?!"

    Boyfriend: "The one whose hair won't get its hair dye punched out!"

    Girlfriend: "Okay!"

    Girlfriend punches the real Boyfriend in the face

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