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Smoke Choked

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File Comments posted by Smoke Choked

  1. Applejack

       222    5
    22 minutes ago, GarfieldfanMUGEN said:

    Oh, yeah, Moku's versions are superior. I'm just saying that before those came out, Ra lord's Applejack and Twilight were the best we could get.

    For a while, yes

  2. Applejack

       222    5
    On 6/11/2021 at 9:59 PM, GarfieldfanMUGEN said:

    If you can believe it, this was one of the first MLP characters I got for MUGEN, along with the same author's Twilight. I still say to myself that those two are still more nolstalgic than the others due to how good they were compared to most of the garbage the fanbase churned out for the engine at the time.

    Let's be honest, tho.  They don't compare to the versions Moku made, which are arguably the best MLP characters for M.U.G.E.N.

  3. Meat

       51    2
    5 hours ago, mine80man said:

    If only he  had a stage from the game, It would go well with his intro

    Perhaps someone will make on, someday?

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, BestGamer10_YT said:
    I mean a version in which the NPC uses the suppression attack more, to make an NPC vore fight.


    Oh, in that case, she does not often use the vore move.  I do not know how to make it so she uses it more often.

  5. 8 hours ago, GarfieldfanMUGEN said:

    The best part of this has to be the Ugh sound effect. I've been watching Home Improvement recently, so it was easy for me to recognize it.

    Until I read about the rip on the SiIvaGunner wiki (it gets updated pretty often for a wiki!), I had no idea what that sound effect was called.

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