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Smoke Choked

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File Comments posted by Smoke Choked

  1. Vicente Viloni

       73    3
    8 hours ago, CinderFallFan64 said:

    Another case of an edit of an edit. How many characters are just gonna be edits of other edits?

    Tell that to the people that make Homer edits, as Homer was originally a spriteswap of H's Iori.

  2. On 8/11/2021 at 8:56 PM, The Pepsi In The Comments said:

    I just downloaded this stage, and for some reason, the character always show up at the top of the screen where they aren't visible.


    How do I fix this? It's a great stage, I just wanna fix this issue.

    The answer is that you can't fix the issue.  What you have to do is load this stage in M.U.G.E.N. 1.0, and not WinMugen or 1.1

  3. Picollo

       47    4
    2 hours ago, xp236glitz632x said:

    From what i can remember. It has some features that are not present in UB22: Such as a Mr.Satan Mode (Where you bet the number of Zeni in order to reach his goal: 10,000 (The Minimum is 10 max is 3,000)
    Before a fight: You have the choice of betting the left or right fighter. Or just Pray.
    You can Cheat even cheat during a fight (If one were to buy the items) Such as banana peels, guns, and dynamite.

    Although the Playstation version may have 3D Backgrounds (But still ugly). the SEGA Saturn counterpart is completely 2D.
    When it comes to controlling. Its still clunky in either version. But it may take a lot of getting used to.

    Some say Shin Butouden is the Much more better game to play rather than UB22. (Despite Shin Butouden is a Japan Only release)



    Very interesting.  No wonder the Budokai series took after it.

  4. Project Maria

       83    4
    6 minutes ago, shaojkahn said:

    i know this an ungodly edit but at least we  make a good ending for shadow 

    I wonder if anyone in particular could beat ABAB's Shadow and Project Maria?

  5. 39 minutes ago, GarfieldfanMUGEN said:

    Possibly as a joke.

    I rarely crack jokes or go off-topic on my uploads, only time doing so were Ramona Flowers and Army of Scary Logos, I believe.

    I think jokes are less questionable in the description, than when you put them as part of the previews, but that's just me.

  6. 5 minutes ago, GarfieldfanMUGEN said:

    To get rid of the annoying flashing copyright throughout, delete Statedef 8910, then the Statedef -2 mention of it. That's like, the worst bit of the entire character.

    Yeah, it is completely unneeded.  It'd be one thing if it was just part of an intro, but no, it stays for the whole match...

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