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G-Alma Orochi

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File Comments posted by G-Alma Orochi

  1. nice try trying to escape to other mugen sites to get away with what you did, ban evading on MA, being weird to other users and all that stuff
    we don't want your Powerpuff Girls slop here, they're all the same exact character but with different sprites or a different palette

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  2. aaaaaa

       16    3
    13 minutes ago, Sergio P said:

    I genuinely never thought I'd see the day someone would make a garbage Piplup edit, but here we are!

    Literally the original version with a size edit and Bonzi Buddy's voice for some reason, has stolen shit (one of them is taken from Mr. Antarctica), a clone helper standing in there for some reason, and more nonsense

    Only positive thing I'll say about this Piplup is his running animation, I simply find that funny.

    Other than that, I'm heartbroken. This feels like a joke and it's not even that funny, fuck this.i-am-vomit-v0-lcltc4vcgiqa1.png?ex=65eb9f35&is=65d92a35&hm=8a16a6ef4a778656612f074011701ab78f4f3630d64e915547f1a65afb64bbc2&

    to add on to this, the dude has a history of making slop like this. praising things like Gulliherme's Stickman edits while 1-starring DinkDummy's stuff (which makes him a hypocrite), and made stuff like "Dark Parallelogram" and "Sago Return", which has stolen coding from my KFM Return lmao

    update: he wimped out and wiped the entire file off the site while i was writing this

  3. 4 minutes ago, Kelpto18505 said:

    As Someone Who First Time make a Character, I get it where there Coming from. 

    Sound Backup there if Sound Save Don't work in FF Some Time It Happen.

    I Don't know Who "Raiden" Never Got my Sound from it. Hammer Sound I got from TF2.

    Missile attack IT DO SOME MUCH DAMGE I just want Neft with No Damage with Block.

    And Crop Porn (Not Full on NSFW) I add it because was Funny To me and now I am Regrets Adding it Just now.

    Soon I will rework on Stuff make it less Shit. (Just don't want it end up Quality as Joy Games)

    Free ask me anything - kelpto

    1. For the sound backups, make sure to delete those. Those can cause file bloat and I don't like that
    2. Ah, I see. Thanks for clarifying
    3. Just tone down the missile damage, it's not that hard
    4. At least you're beginning to realize what kind of decision that was. Removing them is for the better
    5. I hope it'll be better than this iteration, it has potential to improve

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  4. Alright, here are some issues I have with this character...
    >Forgetting to remove backups or compress high-weight sprites and sounds, which is a main cause of most self-inserts being large file size-wise
    >The win quotes. These are almost Kemy583 levels of bad.Screenshot_16.thumb.png.0e5ea78ae676d86959fd82ff5b01ad16.png
    >Wtf are these comments?

    >Why does this have sounds from Raiden_KA of all things? I did not consent to being part of this character

    >As Joey said, the cropped porn in the attacks. This isn't funny at all why did you put this here (also you can straight up negate all damage from the missile attack by just high blocking lmfao)  



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  5. 31 minutes ago, Tabris666 said:

    not really what you call everything.
    missing stuff
    >winmugen hacks (there are some missing)
    >mugen 1.1 wolf hack
    >linmugen 2006 and 2008 which had 1080p resolution along 32 bit color support and zoomed stages (along other features)
    >paintown (the most important would be the one that supports 3d stages for mugen)
    >Winmugen 3D (this one was quite good since characters could move like in beat em ups)
    >interactive mugen (hacked mugen 1.1 that had interactive stages support)

    not to mention, MUGEN 1.1 Alpha 2 was recently found not too long ago

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