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Everything posted by Tabris666

  1. there was nothing wrong with the sprites,besides even if there was it won't connect or show up in normal play. this is like the prudes complaining of certain stuff on some unfinished chars yet that stuff never showed up normally and the only way to access that stuff was using fighter factory and checking the sprites. for example the so deemed NSFW chars fall under this criteria if : >does the char actions,sprites during gameplay,portraits or quotes say something for adults. >is the char edited to show something during normal gameplay if has those conditions is NSFW but if : >char requires special battlers in your roster to activate NSFW content >char requires rapist characters to activate certain sprites if it follows those then it isn't since require something external. >midnight bliss require external chars >victim require rapist chars >none of them activate on their own.
  2. not a scam is just something that was born some time ago,it was born due to that other project on 3d yet this was a pain in the ass to use,i got on board when was released since it said "Mugen Infinity Versus" yet it was a trap to grab users from mugen communities. THis died before it even started due to the pain it is to make extra content from the game (taking into account is Unreal Engine 4),between rigging the characters,making the sprites perfectly it was too much for several users (one mistake and the game would crash). Several battles can be done if you mod it (yes is not even like that other engine that allowed you to use what you wanted) you need to unpack and repack the added character,so too much effort to do something on it or work on it.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Well the original screeenpack made by duralminn quite a long time ago with the help of nibaniba and several more users on the mugengers site. The lifebars which became a favorite among users are originally made for this screenpack (hence M3 which is just mugengers 3) so there is no point on arguing "my favorite youtuber made them" because is not (the mugenfreeforall logo was added because we got orochi kyo from that site along the UNIB training room stage).
  4. View File Mugengers 3 HD by duralminn Well the original screeenpack made by duralminn quite a long time ago with the help of nibaniba and several more users on the mugengers site. The lifebars which became a favorite among users are originally made for this screenpack (hence M3 which is just mugengers 3) so there is no point on arguing "my favorite youtuber made them" because is not (the mugenfreeforall logo was added because we got orochi kyo from that site along the UNIB training room stage). Submitter Tabris666 Submitted 02/05/2024 Category Screenpacks  
  5. useless to promote that and the youtubers if is just clickbait and nothing can be downloaded.
  6. doubt is ryona but the best way is to simply grab this one https://00gamers.wordpress.com/2024/01/15/mugenryona-r-18/ it has all the chars of mugenryona.
  7. sadly kids won't use mugen at any cost not even see gameplay. so your assumption of certain mugen chars being made by kids is off the track by several thousands of kms,those chars are being made by grownups even if some try to deny it and are made for fun. Most mugen chars are cheap sprite swaps of kung fu man as i explained before and all of them have minimal tweaks to play kinda similar to base game (this is denied by several users in an effort to hide the truth). Besides kids should learn to use mugen if you start with that bullshit of "kids shouldn't use mugen until they get older" you are killing the engine as simple as that (this happened before and will keep happening) my official stance is let them do what they want since they can bring more content and stuff then others as long they don't do the bullshit of patreon like most are doing and avoid making those chibi chars (we aren't in early 2000s to make those)
  8. that's only if is posted on the screenpack downloads section,here in the forum area is no needed in reality.
  9. but if someone don't like the comment or don't care won't answer and won't give likes (unless 13 year old). is the same as what you say about mugen chars being only 40 MB well simple answer is nope,they aren't the size varies depending on author and there are several characters that are over 100MB i explained this to you before,for example an author i know has characters of over 300 MB since she made them HD 1.1 (1080p) so no amount of compression can reduce the size (similar to SSF2R original characters they are higher in quality since are 1080p),is the same as stages there are stages of 400 MB in size (which is my complain about the size limit on this site and the other),take as an example screenpacks there are some that simply won't work due to author not taking into account certain factors (chars and stage size) so you hit the memory limit (no the ntcore patch doesn't do the cut since in the end is still 32 bits).
  10. normally screenpacks have portraits of specific resolution which is 120wX140h so you have to edit the characters portrait yourself,the face for the lifebars is 25x25 and also need to be edited. that's all you need to know.
  11. Just wondering some stuff....like why some users prefer to hide their stuff on an unknown forum or that get lost forever. Is not even a joke at this point,shouldn't the main objective getting everything mugen related online instead of hidden on a limited access forum for unknown reasons,for example i laugh when i see "but that content is private" yes i do agree it was private for the reason it was a WIP until release yet if author stopped working or died then it should be shared simple as that specially when mugen is on the last stretch by simple reasons of people not taking advantage of the engine and just keep "hey look i released a new screenpack it has over 3 thousand slots,ignore that mugen will crash because it was never intended to hold that kind of roster". This is why it shouldn't be an issue releasing a private work,a paid work is other thing but a private work it makes no sense at all (private would be like those tags "do not remove is illegal" yet no one will enforce it to "this is sold on a digital store you need to pay money to get it" and this will be enforced since is piracy). For example i have seen lot of stuff getting lost specially screenpacks and chars. >most missing stuff are legend tta DB characters that used benhazard and neocide sprites. >Z2 styled characters with japanese voices (who wants to hear a poor dub) >sxvector screenpacks (some are just lost and he won't reupload them for unknown reasons) >EVO screenpacks (those are quite famous and well made yet not shared for unknown reasons,according to the authors said screenpacks got to be released after the events yet the person in charge never did it,probably a hoarder thinking that it will increase in value when it has no commercial value) >oldgamer stuff (those are hidden in another forum that can't be accesed by most people and the alternate site limits non registered users to 1 MB size downloads) >daruminati screenpacks (well those are weird yet is quite known the site since it use the screenpacks to attract users yet kinda weird ryutaro and the other haven't uploaded said screenpacks) >mugengers content (screenpacks and lifebars of duracelleur well the M3 lifebars are included in several stuff claimed by other users,nibaniba content and so on)
  12. Well something made quite a long time ago to test several stuff on mugen. The cellshaders are native mugen 1.1 shaders there could be some bugs yet it was a test of the engine native shaders and got mixed with other stuff so look quite good. The characters have japanese voices because the original are better and superior to any dub (not my opinion is the reality). Here some pics and you can grab it here https://00gamers.wordpress.com/2024/01/23/hyper-dragon-ball-z/
  13. sadly main issue is dizzy as always on mugenarchive,for example most people have been banned just for commenting something on other site or forum against mugenarchive (yes dizzy is policing users outside mugenarchive). mugen has always been about sharing and getting people to download yet reason most asian countries are blocked by mugenarchive is because several have complained about dizzy way of doing things. >most users argued with dizzy and commented on their own sites that their content was uploaded on mugenarchive yet mugenarchive didn't even tried to allow users to post authors websites while most offensive stuff was mugenarchive was profiting of other people works without any regard to the authors (which mostly request to post the link to their sites if you are reuploading. >most of mugenarchive is ruled by a few users (dizzy,oldgamer and so on) so if you argue against any of them you get banned (i know this because i said to oldgamer in mugenarchive "why don't take advantage of the whole power of mugen engine instead of just rehashing the same low quality assets that could have been done on mugen DOS" after this got banned) >dizzy wants to create a community yet doesn't know what to do to keep them hence forcing users to the community weekends which haven't worked >dizzy treats mugen as his source of money so any other outside site is the enemy (reason you can't post authors websites there) and will always tries to make a sale of paid account. >not caring about piracy....this was the final coffin of MA,is not even a joke for example japan IP are banned there (yes dizzy banned the whole country) simply because he started uploading paid games sold on dmm,dlsite and so on and not tolerating creators of said games trying to make dizzy take down those games since are paid content being sold to date on those digital stores. you see mugenarchive has lot of stuff going on,we could make a book and we will still have stuff to make a second one. for example cloudflare doesn't do anything at all is the people that paid the service the one blocking the users (in this case dizzy) you can test this by accesing hentai-sharing,sharemods or any page that has cloudflare and you can access normally without issues (even if you use adblocker and scripts) on the other hand you will be unable to access mugenarchive (moreso if you use adblockers)
  14. those look kinda familiar???........ i remember now those have certain sprites from my type MB game...well the first version of my lifebars (last update of my lifebars on 2018). is laughable when they think "lets shutdown his site and claim his lifebars as our own creation just add a sun from the touhou lifebars and call it a day he will never find out". is kinda similar to team aiduzzi trying to fool everyone yet they got caught sooner then later.
    old ikemen version for this one,add insult to injury and this use chibi chars . as i said to some users before "i understand using chibi chars on early 2000s because of limitations but now there is no excuse for it" yet they keep doing that. if you think that a DBZ ikemen game made from scratch using 3D models and original coding was sabotaged you kinda understand most authors don't want to change their ways.
  15. my advice is just stick to mugen only that,after testing ikemen go i noticed all the failures and shortages it has,while it seems good on paper...in reality it doesn't work as intended. most chars that work fine on mugen will have issues (one had an infinite movement taking all the opponent life,issue with this is last part of the movement send the oponent flying and due to the movement spinning it will corner the opponent taking all the HP),stages have issues not even localcoord helps,zoomed stages look shorter then usual while HR or HD stages look smaller,characters tend to get bigger and localcoord doesn't help (i understand why people use chibi characters on this and projects using ikemen go). it has more cons then pros,this is why has been said before "instead of thinking on using an inferior version by fans just try to use and take advantage of mugen 1.1 and find what are the limits,how it can be enhanced and so on" yet no one listen,is for example the damage display when making combos is something by sxvector from mugen 1.1 yet no one use it,guard break code by h-loader no one uses it,tag systems by add004,red navi,or unoshe no one uses them (or simply post the chars without saying they are patched) as you see there is lot more on that can be done on regular mugen then using something like ikemen no matter how good some claim it is.
    a poorly done version of miku. quality and scaling is quite bad,has no movements at all,has no attacks at all. is just a punching bag of big size.
  16. not so rare and quite known...also this one is by nibaniba from the mugengers forum (R.I.P) as most of his works that include akame (from akame ga kill),shermie KOF 3D,princess tohka,black rock shooter and lot of hatsune miku in 3D prerendered.
  17. rather basic character mostly for collection or aiming to make a DBFZ on mugen,sadly this has issues like the lack of combos,lack of powers and so on. the size can be fixed with localcoord 420 to look similar to other DB characters since most of this characters are too big.
  18. Well here i bring you the original CS-X mugen screenpack we made on club syn long time ago. While i know this is winmugen still is quite good and hold on on it's own merits,this has custom FX system,custom fight system,custom tag system and so on so is quite good to use and this has a custom system added to be able to play even on modern systems. Due to site having a low upload limit things like this can't be uploaded directly https://00gamers.wordpress.com/2024/01/15/cs-x-mugen/
  19. if you are using mugen 1.1 just use an image of 32 bit with transparency is more easy to make since mugen 1.1 already supports 32 bit images,after that is just change the portrait on fighter factory and that's it,also fighter factory has an image editor included.
  20. probably got patched for add004 and you aren't using it hence fail to load,which is an issue with some characters,it could also have being patched with unoshe but char wasn't compatible hence fail to load.
  21. Not really most modern chars are way above those sizes. >Akihiko by sxvector 232 MB >MMD miku 366 MB >Iai arthur 200 MB and so on,it all depends on what you used to make the chars (bitmaps are better to make characters but will increase the size,while png cause glitches due to loss information while playing). i understand you being worried but you can't infect your pc by using a mugen character unless you use an infected version already. going to an extreme example the tekken 7 retribution screenpack is 2.3 GB in size with one of the sff being 1.7 GB yet is not infected just well made.
  22. this is one of the dragon ball i made long time ago. https://sharemods.com/ekike08ovxdf/DBFZ.7z.html
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