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MUGEN ARCHIVE: Server is too busy, Please try again later, "What happened to my Mugen Archive account"

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Anybody on this website seeing this lately, I was logged in to my and they keep telling that the server is too busy for a week but they still haven't fix the problem to this day, can anyone explain why is this happening and how long its going to take, is there any way to do something about it.


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At this point, it's been established that a lot of members here have bad blood with the Archive.  Whether we've merely been witnesses to their practices, have participating in speaking out against them, or getting banned seemingly for no reason, it's common amongst us AK1 folk.

That being said, while this site was created to host the characters in AndersonKenya1's videos, it has become a healthy alternative to the Archive.  Just ask our staff.  One of the first threads back in 2020 was an agreement with Gui Santos's Archive rant, a video that got a lot of people banned from the Archive.

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33 minutes ago, DejaVuFlame said:

At this point, it's been established that a lot of members here have bad blood with the Archive.  Whether we've merely been witnesses to their practices, have participating in speaking out against them, or getting banned seemingly for no reason, it's common amongst us AK1 folk.

That being said, while this site was created to host the characters in AndersonKenya1's videos, it has become a healthy alternative to the Archive.  Just ask our staff.  One of the first threads back in 2020 was an agreement with Gui Santos's Archive rant, a video that got a lot of people banned from the Archive.

Si senor!

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  • 2 weeks later...
The mugen archive has regional protection and they only allow certain regions so that the mugen archive can only be accessed using a proxy I think it's the best move as 18+ character storage to protect minors from those characters moreover access to watch 18+ must be correct to say that you have a mugen account arhcive with your birth age saying that you are old enough
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Open proxy? I am not a computing expert but this can be found in the terms of use in Mugen Archive:

Important Note (September 2020) : In order to help our efforts against harassment and ban evasion without implementing drastic measures such as phone verification, do not share your MUGEN ARCHIVE account outside your household, use your account only for your personal needs and do not use an open proxy to access the site. Any of these actions could get your account suspended at any time.

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Online attacks are actually just a political thing that makes a country not do business with other countries, but because of this problem, the average political target will usually experience an economic crisis but mugen site is not the target but they are only traumatized by the computer problems they face which is actually caused by them playing too long so they forget to turn off the computer and the computer gets hot and problems start to appear as if it were malware but is not malware but it's just a hardware malfunction
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Oh that Error 1020 message... yeah it's so familiar for me. The fact is that my ISP gives me a dynamic IP service that means my public IP is changing by itself from time to time. I had been collecting my several public IP's in a text document and doing tests. So now I know that some of them will be fine for CloudFlare and some others will be considered like "bad IP's" and as result I get that Error 1020 as well. The criteria that CloudFlare uses to determine wich public IP are fine and wich public IP are bad are a complete mistery, though.

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  • 2 years later...

This website sucks, and deserve a total reestructuration for all his members...

All this is totally unfair, stupid and insane!

No one deserve the banned only for don't upload anything in those website.

We need access free and no more preservation and more content for AndersonKenya1, because this werehouse is mose fair.

F*ck YOU; MUGEN ARCHIVE, AndersonKenya1 rocks!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/6/2024 at 11:31 AM, Maycol001 said:

This website sucks, and deserve a total reestructuration for all his members...

All this is totally unfair, stupid and insane!

No one deserve the banned only for don't upload anything in those website.

We need access free and no more preservation and more content for AndersonKenya1, because this werehouse is mose fair.

F*ck YOU; MUGEN ARCHIVE, AndersonKenya1 rocks!

Agreed! That's the spirit! 😉👍

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On 1/9/2024 at 8:31 AM, yoonbin16 said:

Well it's as it says, it's busy because a lot of people are downloading and such and on top of that, I hear they banning people while that shit is down so IDK I would just recommend not using that site for a while. :D 

sadly main issue is dizzy as always on mugenarchive,for example most people have been banned just for commenting something on other site or forum against mugenarchive (yes dizzy is policing users outside mugenarchive).

mugen has always been about sharing and getting people to download yet reason most asian countries are blocked by mugenarchive is because several have complained about dizzy way of doing things.

>most users argued with dizzy and commented on their own sites that their content was uploaded on mugenarchive yet mugenarchive didn't even tried to allow users to post authors websites while most offensive stuff was mugenarchive was profiting of other people works without any regard to the authors (which mostly request to post the link to their sites if you are reuploading.

>most of mugenarchive is ruled by a few users (dizzy,oldgamer and so on) so if you argue against any of them you get banned (i know this because i said to oldgamer in mugenarchive "why don't take advantage of the whole power of mugen engine instead of just rehashing the same low quality assets that could have been done on mugen DOS" after this got banned)

>dizzy wants to create a community yet doesn't know what to do to keep them hence forcing users to the community weekends which haven't worked

>dizzy treats mugen as his source of money so any other outside site is the enemy (reason you can't post authors websites there) and will always tries to make a sale of paid account.

>not caring about piracy....this was the final coffin of MA,is not even a joke for example japan IP are banned there (yes dizzy banned the whole country) simply because he started uploading paid games sold on dmm,dlsite and so on and not tolerating creators of said games trying to make dizzy take down those games since are paid content being sold to date on those digital stores.

you see mugenarchive has lot of stuff going on,we could make a book and we will still have stuff to make a second one.

for example cloudflare doesn't do anything at all is the people that paid the service the one blocking the users (in this case dizzy) you can test this by accesing hentai-sharing,sharemods or any page that has cloudflare and you can access normally without issues (even if you use adblocker and scripts) on the other hand you will be unable to access mugenarchive (moreso if you use adblockers)


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  • 1 month later...
On 12/23/2021 at 9:41 PM, അവ്യക്തതയിലേക്ക് വിധിക്കപ് said:

Anybody on this website seeing this lately, I was logged in to my and they keep telling that the server is too busy for a week but they still haven't fix the problem to this day, can anyone explain why is this happening and how long its going to take, is there any way to do something about it.


sorry to hear this I believe you got banned, it happend to me before, they said they banned me because I don't regularly make commons in thier forum, so they just can't let people just go there and download their stuffs.  But trust me, they lost lots of precious uploaders because of that.

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